i wrote this email to GfK:
"Dear GfK-
I have installed Google Chrome to view potential assignments. However, I have also noticed that shop submissions cannot be done with IE8 or IE9 according to your website. Unfortunately, AT&T Yahoo Mail does not function properly with IE7. Thus IE8 or IE9 is required for me to receive emails. My basic AT&T Yahoo emails become disabled if I revert back to IE7. (Technically, the AT&T Yahoo Mail advertisements cannot be displayed properly with the earlier IE7 version, so that the page freezes with three different error messages when displaying each individual email.)
Is there another route to submit shop assignments? Or will you eventually be updating to IE8 or IE9?
I am an avid mystery shopper and would like to take regular assignments with your company, including several regular -------- audits and -------- shops. However, I have not been able to do any assignments yet with your company for these reasons.
- --------"
i received the following response telling me that i can still use IE8 or IE9:
"You can still receive your email using AT&T and IE8 or IE9. I recommend using Google Chrome to log into our system, accept shops and enter report information. We will be upgrading, but there is no time line as to the release."
however, the GfK website specifically tells me that i can's use IE8 or IE9 to submit shop reports:
The GfK Shopper Site currently does not support Internet Explorer Version 8 (IE8) or Version 9 (IE9) and Firefox 4.0-- you will NOT be able to submit your report in IE8, IE9 or Firefox 4.0. We recommend using an earlier version of Internet Explorer (IE7 or earlier) or an earlier version of Firefox (4.0 or earlier). If you experience any issues while using the Firefox browser, make sure that you have turned off any add-ons that you have installed.
If you have already updated your browser and have a version higher than IE7 and/or Firefox 3.6.6, we suggest you to uninstall your browser and reinstall back to an older version."
this leaves me confused and afraid to shop with GfK if i can't submit shop reports without disabling other necessary functions of my computer. what do i do?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2011 10:45AM by vince.