Single Parent Friendly Companies

Hi all,

I've been a mystery shopper for a while but have never done it at the level of many of you here. I'm considering making it a greater part of my income, really just to diversify my income sources, and am looking for places that would be single parent friendly. Meaning, either I can bring my kids or get paid enough that a babysitter would be worth it.

Know any companies with jobs like that? Any single parents have advice? I'm relatively new to being a single parent. Thanks!

Performing shops in central NC and beyond

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Even company suggestions with that tend to have child product jobs would be good (children's clothing, child care, etc).

Performing shops in central NC and beyond
I don't know of any companies that make a distinction between parents and non-parents. Many companies say in their shop instructions that you may not bring children on a particular shop or that children are OK on that shop. Many dining shops allow children althouogh some are just for one or two adults. It does not seem to be a company policy of allowing or not allowing children. It seems to be based on the shop, some MSPs allow children on some and not other shops. Although I take my children on dining shops, I prefer not to take them on shops where I am evaluating service (other than those where we will be sitting at a table eating), because I think they wuold be a distraction.
When all else fails, go out and do the shops while the kids are in school. Most MS companies feel that if the parent is focusing on the kids they won't be able to give 100% to their job of evaluating.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
There are some shops where a child makes the scenario more believable. I would think you might have a challenging time of it though.

How old are your children?

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
I'm a stay-at-home Mom who shops a little on the side.

Do you live in a BFE area where there will be bonuses? If so, there are drive-thru only FF shops and drive-in shops that can be worth your while. I do those, plus grocery stores and a "Blue Light Special" store with my kids.

Look at Market Force and Corporate Research if you are in an area that bonuses for distance. Business Evaluation Services and DSG have phone-only shops (if your kids are old enough that you can have a phone conversation.)
My kids are 4 and 2. A drive-thru shop could be doable though. So could phone-only during certain times of day (nap time). I've done a gas station shop in the past but don't remember who it was with. I think doing two or three EPMS shops together would make hiring a babysitter worth it, especially if I can get some video shops. EPMS guidelines clearly state not to bring children on a shop because of distraction. I have done a shop before leaving them in the car while my grandmother sat in there with them. I don't have the option to do that much though.

Thank you so much hearlandcanuck - I will look into your suggestions!

What does BFE mean?

Performing shops in central NC and beyond
Business Evaluation Services preferred that you have children in tow to evaluate the fitting rooms for their outlet clients. Another company wants the kids for Lego shops and I've seen children's requested for children's foot wear as well.
marijaldm Wrote:
> Business Evaluation Services preferred that you
> have children in tow to evaluate the fitting rooms
> for their outlet clients. Another company wants
> the kids for Lego shops and I've seen children's
> requested for children's foot wear as well.

Agreed. I have taken kids on the LEGO shop, kids on childrens' clothing store shops as well as children's footwear for two different kids' shoe chains.
There is one shop for CRI that always gets highly bonused in my area for a kids' shoe store. You are required to bring a child under 6 or 7 for those.
most restaurant shops dont have a problem with children... www.realitybasedgroup.comm and are the sites i use for those

ymca does day care for cheap if you file the paperwork and meet their income guidelines... some other local non profits might offer even less expensive care...

if you are 27 or less dsgai is doing their round of phone car insurance shops $55 for shopping 4 companies

several sassie sites are offering phone shops for $2 i dont know how hard they are...

have you tried survey sites? boots me from surveys all the time for not having children... its not much but every little bit helps... works for cutting the grocery bills...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Amusement Advantage offers some fun kid-friendly shops. IE. miniature golf - day mini-cruises, etc.
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