Freeman - monthly shops?

I've done some shops with Freeman this month (with the knowledge they lay slow) because I needed a hotel anyway because I was traveling.

I will e traveling in September too and wondered if anyone knew if they post shops every month - or if it less often than that. Anyone know?

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I wish I had an answer for you.

When Freeman used the old (Prophet) system, you would sometimes see shops arrive monthly. For the past year or so, most of the locations for the biggest client seen to be either dives or BFE locations. (Is it because the "nice" ones get snatched up before i see them on the board, or is it because the client is only having the ones shopped that "need" to be?)

When they moved over to a the Sassie board, they left some shops on the Prophet board and some did not make the transition. When "new" shops appear, i don't know if they are really new, or making the transition to the new board.
Can you view the "old board"? I notice that all the locations in my state were the same as those posted in August and they have just extended the date out to mid September. I will traveling back to some of the same areas though - and have already done the shops in those cities.

I've wondered about the locations being "dives" too! I did 7 last month and only one of them was "bad" (cleanliness and bad customer service). They were economy hotels though - so I was not expecting the Ritz. There were a couple that I know of from family members' experience that I purposely skipped though. And I read the reviews online for all of them - and avoided a couple locations because of that too.

I love how "easy" these shops are though. Any other companies that do hotel shops that aren't going to consume my entire day and night? I've heard of some that are very lengthly!
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