Flash's New Book

I am very serious when I say that Flash needs to write a book. I have learned alot from her posts over the past year. I am in for 50 bucks if she needs publishing money. Who can convince her?

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Since members of this forum have savaged another shopper who self-published a book on mystery shopping for trying to make money off of shoppers (Equating buying the book with "paying to shop," as I recall.) I doubt that Flash is likely to be enthusiastic about such a venture.

However, I will defer to her on the subject.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Disclaimer: I'm still a few months new to this world of mystery shopping.

I have been extremely impressed with the helpful information Flash has shared with members of this board and with me specifically. Flash's writing skills are superior, and I would certainly purchase a book written by Flash!
While it is certainly very flattering, why not pick brains here for free? How could writing a book ever be better than that? Forum information is current plus there is an historical view if you use the 'Search' feature. Plus it is not a single voice but a harmony of shoppers who approach shopping from different philosophies, skills and preferences. The only conceivable reason I could think of for putting this stuff together in book form would be if the only shop forums left were Volition (which I find unfriendly to new shoppers) and the 'captive forums' of MSPs where shoppers have felt negative ramifications for daring to express frustration with the host company. So as long as Jacob puts up with us here, there is absolutely no reason at all to write a book!
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