I'm not sure whether it pulls all assignments or only those with whom you've linked. Does the table show only those companies with whom you linked? If it shows all, I would assume the map does, too.
I wish Sassie's Jobslinger site would include a map. It's very helpful for planning routes!
Just.Laura Wrote:
> The site is a fantastic idea!! I often wondered
> why they never had shops mapped like this - not
> just individual MS companies, but several, like
> what this site has. This gets a huge HIGH FIVE
> from me!
> I still need to play around with it more, but my
> main question is: does the map also pull in MS
> companies we haven't linked?? I only saw MS
> companies that I'm already signed on with and
> linked to. If it does pull in ALL companies, this
> will also be a HUGE help when it comesd to signing
> on with MS companies cuz you'll aleady know which
> have current shops in your area, and can then
> continue signing on w/companies as you see them
> appear w/in your area. Big, BIG, time saver!!