New MS Job Board! Cool!

Check out for a new cooperative effort by several MSCs. I really like the mapping feature. I think it will help immensely on route development if more MSCs will get onboard.

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Yea I just got an e-mail invitation to join this site, it seems its being run by Measure Consumer Perspectives. I haven't logged in yet but if its legit then it just sounds like a jobslinger type site for non Sassie companies.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
Can ya'll sign into that this morning? It won't accept my username & password. And when I click on "contact us", it asks for my username & password again.
I just had it emailed again to me by clicking "forgot passwod" and entered it again but to no avail.
You have to register for an entirely new account. It's not even possible to retrieve a password by using your email address. The other choice is to sign in through Facebook, which personally, I do not recommend.
They send you a password after you send your email address or username. Companies I saw particapating are About Face, MarketStat, and four more, with others added as they get going...not a bad idea linking into other companies from one site, all using Shopmetrics.

Live consciously....
Hi Brak, The MSJobBoard is actually run by Shopmetrics. MCP was the company that we sent out invites through. They let us have a run at their shoppers so we could have people test it out and give us some feedback!

Brak Wrote:
> Yea I just got an e-mail invitation to join this
> site, it seems its being run by Measure Consumer
> Perspectives.

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
I just registered and signed in and at this time there aren't any avaialable jobs in my area (Phoenix, AZ). However, I like the interface, the calendar view, and map view.
The site is a fantastic idea!! I often wondered why they never had shops mapped like this - not just individual MS companies, but several, like what this site has. This gets a huge HIGH FIVE from me!

I still need to play around with it more, but my main question is: does the map also pull in MS companies we haven't linked?? I only saw MS companies that I'm already signed on with and linked to. If it does pull in ALL companies, this will also be a HUGE help when it comesd to signing on with MS companies cuz you'll aleady know which have current shops in your area, and can then continue signing on w/companies as you see them appear w/in your area. Big, BIG, time saver!!
I'm not sure whether it pulls all assignments or only those with whom you've linked. Does the table show only those companies with whom you linked? If it shows all, I would assume the map does, too.

I wish Sassie's Jobslinger site would include a map. It's very helpful for planning routes!

Just.Laura Wrote:
> The site is a fantastic idea!! I often wondered
> why they never had shops mapped like this - not
> just individual MS companies, but several, like
> what this site has. This gets a huge HIGH FIVE
> from me!
> I still need to play around with it more, but my
> main question is: does the map also pull in MS
> companies we haven't linked?? I only saw MS
> companies that I'm already signed on with and
> linked to. If it does pull in ALL companies, this
> will also be a HUGE help when it comesd to signing
> on with MS companies cuz you'll aleady know which
> have current shops in your area, and can then
> continue signing on w/companies as you see them
> appear w/in your area. Big, BIG, time saver!!
Yes! posts every job it has on the board. It does not matter whether or not you are signed up with the company who posts it.

It is nice that you also have a chance to sign up with new companies AND, since their posts are visible to everyone, you get to see the kinds of jobs they post in your area before you even sign up!

Just.Laura Wrote:
> does the map also pull in MS
> companies we haven't linked??

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
Tbaz Wrote:
> I just registered and signed in and at this time
> there aren't any avaialable jobs in my area
> (Phoenix, AZ). However, I like the interface, the
> calendar view, and map view.

Hi Tbaz, I shop Phoenix area too!
If you are registered as a shopper with any of the participating companies that use the ShopMetrics shop reporting platform you were sent an invitation.
About Face is on it along with the few mentioned above....I still prefer accepting from the MSC, but yes, it is a nice feature as long as they have more MSC's to choose from.

Live consciously....
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> About Face is on it along with the few mentioned
> above....I still prefer accepting from the MSC,
> but yes, it is a nice feature as long as they have
> more MSC's to choose from.

Hi Irene,
Technically speaking, you WILL be accepting from the MSC. The MSJobBoard aggregates the jobs, but when you hit the apply button on the board, it takes you to the MSC page that lists the job and highlights it for you. You are accepting it directly from the MSC, the job board just gives you the ability to search multiple boards at once.

hope this helps!

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
Do you by any chance have hughesnet for an ISP? Regrettably i do and therein lies the problem. For some reason hughesnet will not allow the site to work through their server. I have to go into town with my laptop and find wifi to look for and download the paperwork for any job that I want to do.
The only reason that I still have hughesnet is that it is the only way that I can get high speed internet where I live.

kimcox17 Wrote:
> Can ya'll sign into that this morning? It won't
> accept my username & password. And when I click on
> "contact us", it asks for my username & password
> again.
> I just had it emailed again to me by clicking
> "forgot passwod" and entered it again but to no
> avail.
audrialyn30 Wrote:
> dont forget they are announcing the winners today.
> smiling smiley

That's Right!
I have sent emails and tweets to the 25 people who won! I'm going to ship stuff next week. -avoiding any delays, of course winking smiley

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
Regrettably, I have hughesnet for an ISP and for some reason their equipment does not allow me to sign into MS Job board. I have to drive into town and go where I can get wifi.
I do like th site tho.
I joined it. It's not bad, just doesn't have many shops listed yet. At least not much near me.


Sean the Shopper
Still can't not get into this site with out cutting and pasting my pswd, from my original "TY for signing up with us" email. Now that's not right.

I have typed everything in for my pswd, but TY Hey-Sues" and it says..."failed authentication". The site, MSJob Board, may have to go to the trash can. I donot find it cool.

There are some sites I could link up with but at what cost?
I just got right into it without any problems. You can see jobs for participating companies without linking their sites. I linked several of mine and there was no cost other than a minute of my time.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Hi Sojo917,
Authentication Failure is an error message that means the information you entered into the sign-in form does not match the database's information. Now, without the technical speak, this really just means there's a typo. I have recommended Copy and paste to people who were not able to type their password right, but if that's the only way you can get in, the best solution is to change your password.

To change the password, Login and look under "My Settings" at the top right of the page.

Hope this works!

sojo917 Wrote:
> Still can't not get into this site with out
> cutting and pasting my pswd, from my original "TY
> for signing up with us" email. Now that's not
> right.
> I have typed everything in for my pswd, but TY
> Hey-Sues" and it says..."failed authentication".
> The site, MSJob Board, may have to go to the trash
> can. I donot find it cool.
> There are some sites I could link up with but at
> what cost?

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
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