Is is just me, or does everyone have trouble with the little tests you have to take for every shop? I watch the video and the presentation, but some of the questions asked on the test are not on the video.

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I feel the same way which is why I opted to pass on accepting assignments from this company. Their pay is also very low when compared with most others. I get so tried of their emails stating that "Commission has just increased in your area!" Yeah right, it's still too low!
It is DEFINITELY not you. I have a master's degree and have failed many a CORI test.

I just use the back button and keep changing answers. Some of the tests do seem a touch difficult. The good thing is it doesn't lock you out regardless of how many attempts you make.
Me too - I tell my husband some of these tests are harder than any research paper I ever wrote. There are some of the clients I just have given up on.


57carol Wrote:
> It is DEFINITELY not you. I have a master's degree
> and have failed many a CORI test.
> Carol
I sign in to the site through 2 separate browsers. I open the presentation in Internet Explorer and the test questions in Firefox. I go back and forth between browsers to find the answer to each question as I proceed.

I will call the wife and children in the room too. We take the tests as a team sometime.
And then I pass and groan when I can finally see the pay for the shop. At least now with a number of them passed, if and when the bonuses go up, I am ready.
Wheeew, glad it's not just me. I too have a master's in engineering. I took calculas test that where easier than some of these little thing.

I've just been printing the test and marking it as I went thru the presentation, but still couldn't seem to find all the correct answers. A few of them I just keep guessing till I got it right.

Example, I knew I had all right but two, so I just kept changing them around util I hit it.

Thanks for the encouragement.
cadwelder Wrote:
> Is is just me, or does everyone have trouble with
> the little tests you have to take for every shop?
> I watch the video and the presentation, but some
> of the questions asked on the test are not on the
> video.

I get upset as well. You are taking a test for qualifications on a parking lot being clean and they want to ask about the color of the tile in the Vatican. No connection.

I have the same issues smiling smiley.

The tests seldom have all that much to do with the shop. I will not work for them again. They do not pay enough to matter that much and what they need is pretty silly.
They really ask some pretty off the wall questions that just don't make sense or pertain to the shop whatsoever. You know like those impossible story problems in grade school. A train is traveling 75 mph in an easterly direction. Another train is traveling 40 mph in a northerly direction. It is 3:00 pm. Where is each train located and what are the train engineer's wives names?
Carol - Love the train analogy. I think you wrote the story of my life.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
It is definitely not you. They ask questions on stuff not in the video at all. It is extremely fustrating.
I haven't noticed any difference in pay scale since the new company took over. They still start very low but do bonus quite well if enough time goes by.
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