Market Force Termination

reefshoe Wrote:
> unprofessional company MARKETFORCE IS. THey are
> Scam artists who work for themselves in behalf of
> their clients. YOU are their slaves

You've already expressed your dislike for MF on another discussion. As someone else pointed out, we're not their slaves, or any other msc's slaves for that matter. No one has pointed a gun to our heads, forcing us to work for them. We are independent contractors. Maybe you should spend your time brushing up on proper punctuation and sentence structure and less time spewing hatred smiling smiley

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Reefshoe - Accusations made are extreme and unsubstantiated. Do you have proof, or is this irresponsible mud slinging?

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
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