Flash Wrote:
> A friend shopper today was wailing because she
> went to get a credit card and was denied based on
> her credit score. She checked her credit report
> and the bad news there was the many many inquiries
> she did for insurance shops. It had been
> indicated to her that all similar inquiries in a
> 30 day period would be lumped as one "event".
> That is not what happened. When she appealed to
> the MSP for help, their reaction was, too bad.
> Be very careful. If you do the tax refund
> anticipation loans during tax season or payday
> advance loans or cell phone shops where you at
> least begin the purchase process or ANY SHOP WHERE
> are likely to have your credit checked. Those
> hits will reduce your credit score such that your
> credit card interest rates may rise even if you
> are perfect in your payments. They may also
> reduce your credit score such that you cannot get
> reasonable financing for a car or appliances or a
> house. Some employers also must check your credit
> score, so if it has been whacked by mystery
> shopping, you might not even be able to change
> over to a full time job.
> While any loan based shop where you are to follow
> through to receiving a check will include a credit
> check, with some of the insurance type shops where
> you are getting a quote, see if you can just give
> a verbal estimate of what your credit worthiness
> is because "If I decide to do this, I understand a
> real credit check would be required and that may
> change the price, but I'm just trying to get an
> idea right now." I would have this conversation
> by email with the scheduler so that you have the
> email to support getting paid without having given
> out your SSN.
As usual Flash you have educated us....thank-you so much, you brought up points i hadn't even thought of.
I am grateful
cedar city ut.