ISS questions

Has anyone else noticed that they've changed the display of info on the payment page?
For years, once a shop was approved, it was shown approved and pending payment.
Since the beginning of 2025, I only get email approvals that they're approved - they are not showing up on the payment page.
Gotta guard those emails - since I view this as a negative.
Also...question out of pure curiosity.
To me, it's always been a novelty that the more shops you do, they move you up in status and also issue badges.D
Do these seem to make a difference at all in any way? I've never noticed any differences.
Also, that list of local winners?
Have you been one ? lol.

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@BarefootBliss wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that they've changed the display of info on the payment page?
For years, once a shop was approved, it was shown approved and pending payment.
Since the beginning of 2025, I only get email approvals that they're approved - they are not showing up on the payment page.
Gotta guard those emails - since I view this as a negative.
Also...question out of pure curiosity.
To me, it's always been a novelty that the more shops you do, they move you up in status and also issue badges.D
Do these seem to make a difference at all in any way? I've never noticed any differences.
Also, that list of local winners?
Have you been one ? lol.
I haven't noticed any change. They show assigned>submitted>payment page (pending)>payment page (paid). I don't recall them ever showing on the payment page until approved and all of my approved shops are there whether pending payment or paid. Is there a specific MSC that is a problem for you?
As you collect more badges, the number of shops you can self assign goes up. When you flake on a shop that number may go down.

In the app, I don't get the list of people who have done the most shops this month. And I only have one payment page. On the website there are two tabs available under payments. Completed/paid shops and completed unpaid shops.
Does anyone know how many levels there are of their Reputation Rank? I can not find this information, such as their a maximum rank? Thank you!
I have no idea. But i did have a really good conversation with a new to me scheduler. She was perceptive enough to realize a shopper was skimming the cream shops. Call them, they're very responsive.

Just keep doing shops. The more accepted shops you do, the more you can self assign. You can still apply for shops you cant self assign.

So why does it matter? If you know the number but haven't done enough shops to get there yet? Just keep shopping for them and getting paid.
Several years ago my name Rho D./ IL was posted for a week as doing the most shops. I was mortified at the time. But nothing exploded in my computer and no one knocked on my door so all is well.
Rho, super shopper! Guessing you just buckled down to keep your rating! Tongue in cheek.

Different people are incented by different things. I work for money!
My first name and first initial of my last name along with my town have been posted more than once, which I do not like at all. Very small town, could easily be outed. Why on earth does ISS think naming shoppers is a good idea?
everything depends from your settings. You can set up within the app what you wish to see.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
@gene wrote:

everything depends from your settings. You can set up within the app what you wish to see.
Ah, but can you choose NOT to be named in their superstar star board?
@Treeline wrote:

My first name and first initial of my last name along with my town have been posted more than once, which I do not like at all. Very small town, could easily be outed. Why on earth does ISS think naming shoppers is a good idea?

It's a TERRIBLE idea. It is a well used motivational tool for, say, gaming sites. But when it's a business that relies on anonymity, they are doing their shoppers a disservice.
@Deedeezthoughts wrote:

@gene wrote:

everything depends from your settings. You can set up within the app what you wish to see.
Ah, but can you choose NOT to be named in their superstar star board?

I don't know as I've never been listed. But a local shopper other than me told in a pm someone in our area showed up monthly when we couldn't get shops. New scheduler, new rules. Loving it.
I won't take a restaurant in back to back months. I just feel you can't be that objective.
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