IPSOS limiting which cell phone shops you can do.

The IPSOS cell phone shops are now limiting you to owning the type of phone you are seeking. No other cell phone shop does this. This really limits your earnings on cell phone shops. I use to do many of these shops. I do not see any reason for them doing this. Many of the iPhone shops are not taken, very few people own an iPhone. It really cuts my income on these shops. The questions are the same on all the cell phone shops.

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I don't do cell phone shops, but I have to disagree that "very few people own an iPhone." iPhone has just under 60% of the market in the US.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
@cubbiecat wrote:

I don't do cell phone shops, but I have to disagree that "very few people own an iPhone." iPhone has just under 60% of the market in the US.

All the Samsung shops are quickly taken. The Apple shops, many are left on the site for weeks.
I also disagree. iPhone is the best-selling Smartphone in the world. But, that does not mean all mystery shoppers have one or those that do are performing this shop.
Purple has a point. I see some areas where only android scenarios are left and others where Apple hasn't been done. It really all depends on what brands the shoppers have that work that area, which is not representative of the entire population.
This still does not explain limiting which shops you can do. There are no text questions ask you about your knowledge of any one phone. All the questions are multiple choice. They look for knowledge of the employee.
How does the MSC know which phone you have? Might you have two phones? If you did have two phones, how would the MSC know?

Just some food for thought.
I agree. I just don't understand their reasoning.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2025 06:56PM by johnb974.
They'll see what phone took the photos in the meta data. If it's the wrong kind, your shop will be rejected no matter whether or not you own/use/carry the other type. After all, it is the MSC's opinion that all shoppers are liars. They make that very clear in all that they do.

Added: A great number of people have/use more than one phone type but in the shopper profile you are allowed only one choice so MSC does not believe that there could be more than one phone per shopper. You have to stay with whatever OS is in your profile - another possible point of rejection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2025 07:49PM by sestrahelena.
Apple I phone users have paid a lot of money for their phones compared to many other brands. Maybe they are all waiting for big bonuses to take the job so they can pay off their phone debt and that is why those jobs are still around.
I don't know about the phone meta data, but I do know that you tell the MSC what types of phones and mobile devices you use, and what company you use for mobile service.

As I've said before, I don't like doing cell phone shops, but I do a few here and there so that I can see what new phones are available. I was watching the cell phone shops a week or so ago, and there were some promising bonuses, but they were all for Apple owners or for AT&T stores.

Once upon a time they said if you do the AT&T audits you can't do mystery shops at AT&T stores, so I don't, even though it's been a couple years since the last time I did an audit. I will NEVER do a shop for an Apple product of any type, I won't own one and I won't use any service that Apple provides.
@sandyf wrote:

Apple I phone users have paid a lot of money for their phones compared to many other brands. Maybe they are all waiting for big bonuses to take the job so they can pay off their phone debt and that is why those jobs are still around.


Paying for a $1000 phone with mystery shopping bonuses probably applies to virtually nobody.
That is because you and I do not live in bonus land. I read all the time about big bonuses from those who live in areas where bonuses seem to sometimes be double or triple the normal fee. If shoppers did not think bonuses would help their bottom line there would not be constant threads about them. I would love to get double or triple pay on my shops just by waiting til mid month or later. Yes I know you are taking a chance on not getting the shop at all that month but for those who constantly caution us to never take a shop at base I guess they feel it is worth it. If i never took a shop at base my earnings would be extremely low instead of just low. John who started the thread may also live in no bonus land as I do not know precisely where he lives. I do know every month i get bonus offers for shops 500 miles away in the middle of my long state. So I have to assume San Francisco area shoppers can get more bonuses by driving a bit than what is available where I live. Maybe they are many miles away and apart from each other like they would be here.
@BayShopper22 wrote:

@sandyf wrote:

Apple I phone users have paid a lot of money for their phones compared to many other brands. Maybe they are all waiting for big bonuses to take the job so they can pay off their phone debt and that is why those jobs are still around.


Paying for a $1000 phone with mystery shopping bonuses probably applies to virtually nobody.
Northern California is bonus land.

The last cell phone shop that I did was 8-24-18 for $75 in Laguna Niguel, CA. Not exactly BFE. I’d rather pay cash for my iPhone than do cell phone shops for $25-$50 a piece.
@BayShopper22 wrote:

Northern California is bonus land.

The last cell phone shop that I did was 8-24-18 for $75 in Laguna Niguel, CA. Not exactly BFE. I’d rather pay cash for my iPhone than do cell phone shops for $25-$50 a piece.
I just checked and see them at $16 here in socal with no bonuses. The pay is not the main reason I would not do them, It is the long wait for service. As I recall too when i accompanied my daughter to an apple store her wait for service was about an hour.
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