RQA garbage disposal labeling project

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about this project. I'm concerned about the number of labels that one might need to place, so I called the Project Contact this afternoon and asked him if he had any estimate. He had no idea at all, and seemed to be unaware and enlightened when I explained to him that there is a big difference between placing a dozen labels versus 10 dozen labels. He said that they would have a better idea early next week about the inventory that might be encountered for each individual store.

I then hopped on the "orange" home improvement store website to see what kind of inventory that they had. Several individual items had 200-220 in stock. At $20/store that's less than a dime per label, boy that sounds fun! Some other individual items had 15 in stock, so I guess it's a guessing game until next week, presumably.

I'm gonna wait until they have more solid inventory numbers available, and if someone else takes the job, then so be it.

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And if there a pallet on a storage shelf, you'll have get get them to get it down with a forklift.
I took these jobs thinking it was something totally different. There were only 3 stores in my area so I guess I will wait for them to give more info and go from there. If I search the store inventory and it has a lot, I would ask to switch to the per hour rate.
Why on earth wouldn't you just select to be paid hourly plus mileage for this project? I picked up 6 locations in my area at that rate.

Edited to add that you can call them and have it changed to hourly if you messed up and selected per location.

@teacherguy wrote:

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about this project. I'm concerned about the number of labels that one might need to place, so I called the Project Contact this afternoon and asked him if he had any estimate. He had no idea at all, and seemed to be unaware and enlightened when I explained to him that there is a big difference between placing a dozen labels versus 10 dozen labels. He said that they would have a better idea early next week about the inventory that might be encountered for each individual store.

I then hopped on the "orange" home improvement store website to see what kind of inventory that they had. Several individual items had 200-220 in stock. At $20/store that's less than a dime per label, boy that sounds fun! Some other individual items had 15 in stock, so I guess it's a guessing game until next week, presumably.

I'm gonna wait until they have more solid inventory numbers available, and if someone else takes the job, then so be it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2025 09:46PM by Jusa.
For a project like this someone should pick hourly rate anyway. By the time you read instructions, print paperwork, drive to the store, find a manager, place the labels, drive to the rest of the stores and complete the visits, drive home and submit expenses, you are going to be several hours in and it's not worth being paid the flat rate per location. You people all do realize that you get paid for administrative and drive time, right?

@Datagirl wrote:

I took these jobs thinking it was something totally different. There were only 3 stores in my area so I guess I will wait for them to give more info and go from there. If I search the store inventory and it has a lot, I would ask to switch to the per hour rate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2025 09:50PM by Jusa.
This is the first thing I have signed up for with them and the hourly option with mileage was a key selling point. I hope it isn't too ridiculous.
If you are being paid hourly, don't worry. I've been with them since 2006 and they're a good company to work fior. The guidelines will be clear and concise and the app generally has no hiccups, not to say when they were first developing it didnt have bugs but it's fine now. They are also very hepful and responsive via phone if any issues arise.

Keep in mind you can charge 10 cents per page for everything you print, plus time spent doing anything is billable administrative time.

@Deedeezthoughts wrote:

This is the first thing I have signed up for with them and the hourly option with mileage was a key selling point. I hope it isn't too ridiculous.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2025 02:54AM by Jusa.
Well, I'm late to the party here, and just checked RQA. It says no locations available in my area. Not sure if that's a blessing or not! Maybe some will pop up in time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2025 01:13AM by guysmom.
@Jusa wrote:

For a project like this someone should pick hourly rate anyway. By the time you read instructions, print paperwork, drive to the store, find a manager, place the labels, drive to the rest of the stores and complete the visits, drive home and submit expenses, you are going to be several hours in and it's not worth being paid the flat rate per location. You people all do realize that you get paid for administrative and drive time, right?

@Datagirl wrote:

I took these jobs thinking it was something totally different. There were only 3 stores in my area so I guess I will wait for them to give more info and go from there. If I search the store inventory and it has a lot, I would ask to switch to the per hour rate.

I have done many of these, most are close to home. I will have to look at what product needs labels and see how many are in stock. Most of the time they have only a handful of items. If I see there is alot of inventory, I will have them switch me to hourly but in the past, I have done several stores in a short span of time and the flat rate has worked out just fine. Once I see the instructions and what is involved, I can make a better decision. Unfortunately there was not much to go on and in my area, I have to grab the jobs quick or they will be gone.
For me, there will be travel time from one store to the next that makes hourly work best. Mine are all with the same home improvement chain and each location is at least 25 minutes from the next.
I initially went with per-store because there were only 2 locations that were pretty close to each other and that's how I usually roll. After reading over the various comments here I contacted RQA and asked to be switched to the hourly scheme. They responded positively to my request within an hour.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
@Jusa wrote:

Why on earth wouldn't you just select to be paid hourly plus mileage for this project? I picked up 6 locations in my area at that rate.

I don’t do projects that pay $20-$30 an hour. That’s why.

I generally only take projects where I can make $60 an hour and up, or there has to be some sort of reimbursement benefit.
Well I see what you are saying, but typically I will pick up a few mystery shops right next to my RQA locations (no I don't charge RQA hourly for the time I spend conducting mystery shops), but RQA is paying my mileage and drive time to and from the RQA store locations, so I look at that as an extra perk. But I am definitely not going to take a flat rate of $20 for a store I have to drive 20-30 minutes to and from as I wouldn't be making my hourly.

I make a higher hourly rate than most reps do anyway because I have been with them since 2006.

@BayShopper22 wrote:

@Jusa wrote:

Why on earth wouldn't you just select to be paid hourly plus mileage for this project? I picked up 6 locations in my area at that rate.

I don’t do projects that pay $20-$30 an hour. That’s why.

I generally only take projects where I can make $60 an hour and up, or there has to be some sort of reimbursement benefit.
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