Sorry, but I fail to see how this is a problem with the scheduling company or MSC at all. I feel like I'm the first one to point out when when a company is being unfair, but sometimes the shoppers are out of line as well.
Think about the number of shops and number of companies out there. How much profit do you think there is in one restaurant shop, after the editors, software company, and shopper get paid? When one shopper has a problem that no other shopper is having, how much time and effort can reasonably be spent tying to work out the issues when the shopper is not cooperative?
Jeanne posted here supposedly for advice, but when I replied with a few facts I was accused of putting her down. It seems all she really wanted was sympathy since the initial posting distorted the facts:
-The ordering requirements for the shop do not force the shopper over budget.
-The narrative in question is only 500 characters.
-Both the MSC and scheduler replied in a reasonable amount of time, with sympathy, and offered an extension.
We shoppers are independent contractors. We are not guaranteed 24-hour phone support. It's our responsibility to make sure the hardware and software we utilize is functional and compatible with industry standard software. Schedulers and editors live all over the world, and getting an answer in 5 hours is reasonable in many circumstances.
The reason why this shopper is not getting paid for the shop is 100% her responsibility at this point. That's not an insult. It's a fact!
I don't expect Jeanne to see this situation from my point of view, but I hope other shoppers will read this and realize that perhaps the best thing to when there is a problem is not to immediately go on the offensive. Most problems like this can be avoided if you work with the company in a positive manner.
For the record; I do not and have not ever worked for Sentry. I have performed 1 shop for them in total and lost money on it myself, so I don't see how posting this would be financially beneficial to me. I post here because I feel that my experience and insights are helpful to many. I do not expect or derive any financial benefit from it.
Jeanne; Before you send me another snarky PM, spend some time reading here and you may notice that I am often the voice of reason. I'm not unnecessarily combative and not one to hurl insults. I'm not the one you need to be angry at. own up to your responsibility in creating this situation and learn from it.