Payments Confero

Does anyone else ever have issue getting paid from Confero on time? I was paid on their website on the 19th but still never received my money. This the 3rd time in a year this has happened.

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I see the same thing as well. It says paid 2/19 but nothing from them in PayPal yet as of today. I figure it can take a few days for processing, but it shouldn't take a week.
Same thing I said! I even called PayPal. They asked for a transaction Id. I even emailed Confero twice, called and left a message NO response. But bug you all day to do the jobs.
I had a closer look at my PayPal activity and Confero website and noticed none of the dates match up. In one case they put in a note about reissuing a payment (sent Jan 2 but meant to be sent on Dec 16). I wonder if they'll have to do the same for Feb 19. Does anyone else have issues with these particular payment dates?
If we contact Brookshire I bet they would pay on time! This is getting frustrating that they lie on there site saying were being paid and making us think it is a papal issue and instead it is a confero issue.
You havnt received your money either? Have you been in contact with anyone? Because they are ignoring me.
A cardinal rule on e-Bay, where I have been continually selling for 21+ yrs. is that one should never list an item where being defrauded will create the slightest problem. In addition, occasional sellers may have their money held until a buyer's period to protest the transaction has expired.

To modify the aforementioned for shopping, if an MSC's conditions of business are unacceptable, only deal with those companies with whom you have a meeting of the minds. I have completed 48 jobs for Confero over a 19 yr. period. Their manner of payment is acceptable to me, BUT, I respect it may not be for other folks. It all goes back to the old adage, "What's meat for one, could easily be poison for another."
I have completed way more than that in a year with Confero and never had that much of an issue with payment until the last few months. At the end of the day I rendered my services on their schedule and I would appreciate to get paid since they said that they paid it on the shop log. But yesterday was definitely my last job for them. You are correct it’s not for everyone.
Gray, predicated upon your reply to my post, I agree with your decision. As you can see, I have only averaged 2+ jobs a year with the company, each of which served a purpose and prompt payment was not a hot button for me. If, though, it were an MSC for whom I complete 200 a year. that would be, as the Wizard stated to Dorothy, a horse of another color.
@frustrated wrote:

If we contact Brookshire I bet they would pay on time! This is getting frustrating that they lie on there site saying were being paid and making us think it is a papal issue and instead it is a confero issue.
A "papal" issue? Are we getting Pope Francis involved now? :-)
Allegedly paid February 19th, but still no payment in my Paypal account. I understand the Pope is ill, but that's no excuse!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2025 03:54AM by DRJ.
I literally walked past two of their “highly” bonused shops in Waikiki this week. Nope!!!! Not waiting until April or May for payment. Good luck filling them.
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