IPSOS Rejecting Shop

I looked up the status of a recent shop done for an online order/pickup of Asian food. I received a text receipt/confirmation but no email. I took a screenshot of that text and that is what I submitted along with the receipts that were on the bag of food. In my report, I also noted an email receipt was not received.
Yet, I get punished with a 1 score, a rejected report, and no payment. They don't even bother to send me an email notifying me there was a "problem". How do we provide something that was never given to me? I emailed them back, let's see if they respond appropriately.

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Unfortunately they or their client won't be able to accept the report without the email based on my experience because they do need that confirmation email to show time ordered, ordering detail and quoted ready to pick up time, which are all missing with the ready to pick up text

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2025 02:14AM by kisekinecro.
Actually, every bit of that detail was shown in the text. Interestingly, there was another issue that I had with the shop regarding an hair in the food.

There were no instructions on what to do if there was a problem with the order—should I bring it to their attention or should I just note it in the report? I emailed for advice about both of these problems before submitting my report so you would think that when my report came through, it would’ve been flagged for that problem. I guess whoever gets the reports to edit are not privy to the information that gets sent when there are questions so…
Yes, I did. I got a confirmation text that contained all of the detail and was time stamped as well and I told them that I was submitting that in lieu of the nonexistent email.
I wonder if some accounts are set to receive texts instead of you are already set up as a customer?
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