MSC Test needed...

I looked on Bare's site cause I have a client of their's today, this afternoon, and i'm working my regular job today, so I'm pretty busy, but it's okay. I looked on my certification, and they have a 45 minute test in grammar for English that I need to
take. It's too hard to take tests while I'm doing chart audits, which is my regular full time job. Will I get paid without taking the test? This isn't the one I messed up today (I know not to take quizes while I'm working.) I was going to work, then do the shop. The test wasn't on my page until today. Also, they have a citation on my profile, that I self inactivated on 07/25/2011. I didn't do that, though, I've not done any assignment for them forever. What's up with that? I've been reading the comments regarding this MSC, and am more than ready to do the shop.

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My belief is you only need to take that test if your shopping in another country, or here from another country, as this does not apply to American's.

Live consciously....
I took the test. Don't know if neccesary. They also have a PO test. I never took it and did the shop no prob. I believe that Bare is a well respected company. Go for it. Let me know.
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