MF January 2025 Payment

My last shop for them was on 1/ 3/3, 8/9 weeks later, no payment.
Not good. If they don't pay very soon, I won't have any trust left to do another.

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I just received the “who wants chicken?” email. I want to respond, “I want to get paid!”
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I couldn't help but think...when they had the burger company the last time, they were always late paying. Then they didn't have the burger company, and they began paying right on time just about every month. Now, they have the burger company again and here we go...paying late again.
They've had burger shops the entire time I've been with them, and that's been just about two years now.
I got an email reply today after I sent one asking about payment. It said all January payments have been processed, so I'm expecting it tomorrow.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I had many shops in January and still no payment! What is frustrating is that I can't even see all the shops I completed on their website. I will have to make sure that they are all paid correctly.
I haven't received payments for Jan shops either. Just cancelled 4 March shops. Can't wait for more than 2 months for a payment, this is just unacceptable.
A Michigan scheduler just called me for a $20 Five Guys Shop due tomorrow or Wednesday. I told her good luck, I'm not doing any more shops for them until I get paid. She said that they got an update that we'd be paid today (Monday) I told her we were not.
@MsJudi wrote:

I got an email reply today after I sent one asking about payment. It said all January payments have been processed, so I'm expecting it tomorrow.
I get notified by my bank when a deposit is initiated, generally a couple days before it is in my account and available. There was no notification, MF did not initiate payment today.
I get a million calls from this one guy hounding me to do Mattress Firm shops. He had the NERVE to call me 7 times in 3 hours. What part of no means no doesn't this jerk get? Now that I see I still haven't been paid, I'm just gonna block their number.
Whenever the subject comes up around here, of shoppers who scoop these (or other) shops up at base and are willing to work for peanuts (not punny), several usually chime in to remind us that there are people who are scraping by and these shops can supplement their food or household situations.
So....imagine the shopper who picked a bunch of these up in January in order to eat, and maybe they used a credit card and they've already had to pay their cc bill a few weeks ago....and maybe they were counting on that payment from MF that didn't come and didn't come....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2025 02:42AM by BarefootBliss.
I'm not seeing as many cancelled shops as I expected. I guess more people are giving them the benefit of the doubt or unaware of this forum documenting the non-payment so far. I think it might be another week before the shops start piling up. Hopefully they will make payment this week for their sake and ours. Then things will get back to normal, but I am unwilling to take anymore until I see something.

I guess they pulled @mfisherri to help with payroll since she has not been back on the forum to tell us anything new.
@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

I couldn't help but think...when they had the burger company the last time, they were always late paying. Then they didn't have the burger company, and they began paying right on time just about every month. Now, they have the burger company again and here we go...paying late again.
They have 2 burger companies, the one where you can get peanuts while you wait and the "hedgehog" one where you order from a stall ... I assume you mean the latter? I remember the first time they had the hedgehog, and I don't recall chronic late payment. I think there were a few Januarys where they were a few days late but nothing like this.
@hbbigdaddy wrote:

I guess they pulled @mfisherri to help with payroll since she has not been back on the forum to tell us anything new.
I was just coming here to post this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2025 03:08AM by KokoBWare.
@mfisherri wrote:

Hey guys...We're currently working with accounting to get a firm update, but I expect in the next couple of days and absolutely no later than Monday.
Hello Sherri? Hello?
Even IF we get paid tomorrow, they are in violation of their 20 business day payment terms. As far as I know, there was only one bank holiday in February, so tomorrow is 21 days.
at 1:15 AM Mountain Standard Time, I do see the february entry for payment on the website. Shows disbursement date of 3/4/2025. Not sure when it will hit the bank.

I'm glad to see payment for now. Hopefully this is a 1x thing.

Maybe now that @mfisherri has finished helping with payroll problems, she can come on here and tell us the truth about what really is going on.
It is not a one time thing. They have, at minimum, one month a year where they are 10ish days late on payment. Usually happens in December or January, so who knows why this year it was February. They either have really bad technology, incompetent people, or cashflow issues that catch up to them. Or maybe a combination of all three...who knows.

But, its not an isolated incident and I'm 100% sure it will happen again. They make no attempt to say they are solving whatever the problem(s) are. They really don't even apologize for the delay, just send a weird note about "the frustrating situation" as if its also frustrating for them!

@hbbigdaddy wrote:

at 1:15 AM Mountain Standard Time, I do see the february entry for payment on the website. Shows disbursement date of 3/4/2025. Not sure when it will hit the bank.

I'm glad to see payment for now. Hopefully this is a 1x thing.

Maybe now that @mfisherri has finished helping with payroll problems, she can come on here and tell us the truth about what really is going on.
I received payment this morning for all my January shops. Whew. I was feeling bad for the people who did the tax shops and were waiting for $700
And my guess is if the pattern repeats Canadian Shoppers will be receiving their March Payment late this year.

Lady Marius
Canadian Mystery Shopper
Payment received today. One day late per their terms. They also shorted me a penny on a milkshake shop.
STILL have not been paid by them and emails go unanswered! Ironically, these were my first shops with them. Now will also be my last!
@travelgirl wrote:

STILL have not been paid by them and emails go unanswered! Ironically, these were my first shops with them. Now will also be my last!
What payment method did you choose? Just wondering if they are disbursing PayPal later than bank deposits?
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