MF January 2025 Payment

Did anyone that gets paid with PayPal get paid yet? It said it was distributed 3/3 on my MF account but nothing in PayPal…

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Where has Sherri gone? Would be nice to hear from @mfisherri on what happened and if this will be a problem again.
Maybe the good thing that comes out of this is that we "thin the herd" of shoppers and it will be better for us willing to stick it out
Finally got an email reply from them....3 days later...still can't fix the PP payment problem. I see the irony of them critiquing other businesses when they can't get their own house together.
I make every attempt to be understanding of situations. That being stated, one can not logically take exception to travelgirl's post concerning irony.
Hi guys...sorry, working behind the scenes to try and get this resolved. Of course working with the banks and PayPal, everything takes ridiculously long to process. If you IM me your shopper ID, I will check on this later tonight and push through individual payments if I'm able to and if not, I'll put you at the top of the list as we continue to push through.
So, yay, payment was processed through PP with much fanfare from MF. PP has flagged it as "suspicious" and it is being investigated. Great job MF!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2025 08:52PM by travelgirl.
OMG! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I hope they don't owe you too much money.

Paypal processes millions of payments per day and it really doesn't take "ridiculously long to process" (sorry Sherri, I know you are repeating what you've been told to say, please don't take that as a slight at you!) nor does Paypal regularly flag things unless it is super suspicious. They are my client in the real world (outside of MS) so I'm very familiar with how they roll.

@travelgirl wrote:

So, yay, payment was processed through PP with much fanfare from MF. PP has flagged it as "suspicious" and it is being investigated. Great job MF!
Why don't people just set up direct deposit? Why go through a third party?

Oh, I forget, they could drain your bank account. I believe there are safeguards against that.

And would it be any different than the fraudulent attempts on my PayPal every 2-3 months of some entity trying to charge my PayPal account for some bogus charges?
@wrosie wrote:

Why don't people just set up direct deposit? Why go through a third party?

Oh, I forget, they could drain your bank account. I believe there are safeguards against that.

And would it be any different than the fraudulent attempts on my PayPal every 2-3 months of some entity trying to charge my PayPal account for some bogus charges?

There's always the option of a dedicated account for shopping activities separate from your everyday account. I set one up initially to have a visa debit card but it doesn't have any service fees to use it as a catch and temporary holding pen.
I really wish I was quoting a line...I've been pulling my hair out this week - mostly with the stupid banksad smiley

@Cassiespark wrote:

OMG! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I hope they don't owe you too much money.

Paypal processes millions of payments per day and it really doesn't take "ridiculously long to process" (sorry Sherri, I know you are repeating what you've been told to say, please don't take that as a slight at you!) nor does Paypal regularly flag things unless it is super suspicious. They are my client in the real world (outside of MS) so I'm very familiar with how they roll.

@travelgirl wrote:

So, yay, payment was processed through PP with much fanfare from MF. PP has flagged it as "suspicious" and it is being investigated. Great job MF!
@Deedeezthoughts wrote:

@wrosie wrote:

Why don't people just set up direct deposit? Why go through a third party?

Oh, I forget, they could drain your bank account. I believe there are safeguards against that.

And would it be any different than the fraudulent attempts on my PayPal every 2-3 months of some entity trying to charge my PayPal account for some bogus charges?

There's always the option of a dedicated account for shopping activities separate from your everyday account. I set one up initially to have a visa debit card but it doesn't have any service fees to use it as a catch and temporary holding pen.

Hell, why not do one of the many account opening shops to set up a separate mystery shopping payment account?
Oof. If they still haven't caught up on January job payments, that doesn't bode well for February.
Here's my update from yesterday.

We are aware that unfortunately some of the PayPal payments that were processed for your January approved shop(s) continue to be delayed. Rest assured, this does not mean that something is wrong with your personal PayPal account. We are working on getting this payment resolved and processed as soon as possible and expect that all payments will be paid in the next few days. Please consider signing up to receive future payments through Direct deposit. Again, we deeply apologize for this continued delay and understand the importance and urgency of this matter.

Thank you-
paypal for payment is a lame option. use an account and empty it out after payments. i have a bank account strictly for direct deposits from mystery shops and i zelle the money to my "real" account as soon as it comes in.

i only use paypal when i have to.
I use PayPal for all my gig payments and have never had a problem. This is definitely on MF.

Yes, you can use paypal, but if i see there is a problem with one form of payment, I would change it. Regardless of whose problem it is, you want your money. So either you wait with paypal as your option or you change to a payment option that works better for MFI. If you choose to stop shopping for them because they have issues with Paypal, I'm pretty sure they will be survive and other shoppers in your area will be grateful for less competition.
I changed my payment option at least 2 weeks ago. They can pay me there but are still trying to pay me via Paypal.
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