Diane paone is horrible. I have caught her lying several times. She flat out makes stuff up. Like being able to review video at a best buy when your client isnt even best buy? Police cant get a video from best buy when your car gets hit in a parking lot. I dont think best buy who isnt even your client is going to just send you a video. Its degrading thinking shoppers are that stupid.
She spends more time trying to find something wrong with shoppers and their reports than worrying about the content or getting shops done by her clients deadlines.
She has been known to say things in communication to shoppers like. "Im not going down that road with you." Thats not professional.
Or things like removing a shopper who has a perfect score on hundreds of shops telling them that she needed to find new shoppers and that its not personal but a business decision.
I wish her boss would tell her that!!!!