Who is the worst scheduler or employee at Ipsos?

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mystery.shopping@ipsos.com ... Just kidding, I don't know.

In the past, when I did shops more frequently with this MSC, over time I knew who to contact in terms of the client/project manager. Most of the time, I was able to get my issues resolved. But I didn't do certain types of shops, as well.

In terms of best, I found Bill Carden to be very responsive. The few times I had to contact him.
@Bob Stone wrote:

Most of their scheduling is done though non-human means now a days.

I agree “Robotta” is the worst (my universal name for automated attendants who replaced humans). You know why? She feels nothing.
I haven't really had any issues with schedulers at all. Mine have been great with working around things and rescheduling when needed. Now if you want to talk about editors... well that's another story.
I feel like this post is really bad taste. A lot of the people at these companies are on here and see these comments. Could you imagine just reading comments about how awful you are? Maybe it should be the reverse… who is the best scheduler at Ipsos you have had? If you have an issue with someone maybe email them directly. There’s no context or background to this post either. Did you have an issue with someone? Maybe give us a little more context as to why you are asking.
It's not really related, but I can't help but think of the "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets" bit on Jimmy Kimmel. After reading these forums, I'm learning more and more not to take certain things here too seriously.
Or perhaps we should turn this around and ask the schedulers who read and sometimes comment with helping words here to name who the worst shoppers are. Personally I dont want to "cancel" anyone in a public forum. If there is a specific thing to say about something that happened to you using a specific scheduler that is different but to condemn the entire person?
I have no major issues with any schedulers at Ipsos, I have a favorite, she ALWAYS answers emails, I don't always get the answer I want, but she never leaves me hanging. But there aren't any that I would say unkind things about or that have done anything vindictive to me since Nikki stopped scheduling for Ipsos.
I like IPSOS a lot. I have great experiences with the schedulers who have communicated with me in my recent memory. I even got a reply from the generic address within the last week. I would say they are one of the biggest partly due to consistency.
Diane paone is horrible. I have caught her lying several times. She flat out makes stuff up. Like being able to review video at a best buy when your client isnt even best buy? Police cant get a video from best buy when your car gets hit in a parking lot. I dont think best buy who isnt even your client is going to just send you a video. Its degrading thinking shoppers are that stupid.

She spends more time trying to find something wrong with shoppers and their reports than worrying about the content or getting shops done by her clients deadlines.

She has been known to say things in communication to shoppers like. "Im not going down that road with you." Thats not professional.

Or things like removing a shopper who has a perfect score on hundreds of shops telling them that she needed to find new shoppers and that its not personal but a business decision.
I wish her boss would tell her that!!!!

You're a new contributor here even though you might have been a mystery shopper for years before finding this website.

Vent all you want but it seems you only joined to vent about a scheduler.

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What's up with these new members?! Or even in some odd cases, long-term members coming out of the woodworks with off-the-wall posts.
@Jhudson5577 - You are wrong about everything you stated about that "client." And they do provide video all the time. You just got caught.
I rarely receive a timely response, or a response at all from the general email. There is one particular scheduler who rarely responds when emailed directly. It doesn’t happen often, but on occasion, If was not able to complete a shop due to unexpected circumstances, I emailed that scheduler directly to attempt to reschedule. After receiving no response, I’ve just learned to let the shop drop off my log after the due date, wait the 24 hour cool down and then reselected the job. I’m located in an area with several hard to fill locations, so often the shop is relisted with a bonus.
Schedulers? Almost everything I-related is scheduled automatically now, isn't it? I don't care for the Wordsmith processors and "editors" that Ipsos uses ..How in h*** did those folks ever get a job at Wordsmith when they don't know the difference between "AM" and "PM"?!!!
krn...are you serious? These people (and I use that term lightly) often act imperiously, and the shopper ends up (in almost ALL cases) not getting paid. I understand that they are probably underpaid for the breadth of the job and the responsibilities they carry, but that is why it is called "work"....
This whole thread is utter stupidity ! There are very few schedulers at Ipsos anymore. The ones you do have, are very good. I have had no issues, EVER. Diane Paone is very nice and professional. Within the last 3 months, she has helped me twice (both extreme weather issues) I have all the supervisors emails and 3 phone extensions. All excellent at communication and are very easy to talk with them. smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
The only issue I have with Ipsos, are the editors. Some...I just don't know how they got hired ! But, I still have never had a shop rejected. We have always worked it out. Ipsos pay ... that's a whole other discussion smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
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