Who is the worst scheduler or employee at Ipsos?

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mystery.shopping@ipsos.com ... Just kidding, I don't know.

In the past, when I did shops more frequently with this MSC, over time I knew who to contact in terms of the client/project manager. Most of the time, I was able to get my issues resolved. But I didn't do certain types of shops, as well.

In terms of best, I found Bill Carden to be very responsive. The few times I had to contact him.
@Bob Stone wrote:

Most of their scheduling is done though non-human means now a days.

I agree “Robotta” is the worst (my universal name for automated attendants who replaced humans). You know why? She feels nothing.
I haven't really had any issues with schedulers at all. Mine have been great with working around things and rescheduling when needed. Now if you want to talk about editors... well that's another story.
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