@hbbigdaddy wrote:
I know you are picky with your shops, but assuming these companies had the shops you were willing to do, which company(ies) would you not work for?
I am not that far off from Bob in dropping a company as soon as they exhibit financial issues. In the past, thanks to the forum, I was able to terminate relationships with around a half dozen companies that left others hanging when they shuttered. Restaurant Cops was one that owed me money, and I hounded them enough to finally pay me just before they shut down. I'm pretty sure there's an old thread here where I implored shoppers to stop working for them
I literally delete bookmarks for MSCs when I quit, so I don't even have the full list of names, but Regal is a good example of one that's been showing instability recently...and then there are companies like Intellishop that I don't think are necessarily going out of business, but are unresponsive and have left shoppers hung out to dry.
Once you see a MSC lose large clients and start changing payment terms, be unresponsive or move to a model where they are using outside schedulers, I get suspicious.
It's easier to name companies I WOULD work for:
While Coyle has moved to outside schedulers, they are not exactly begging people to take jobs. They have a 20 year payment history of never being more than a day or two late, and have home address and phone number of the owner, so I feel confident taking high-reimbursement shops for them.
And I don't really see a lot of available work from CI these days, but I would not hesitate to take an assignment that I wanted from them, because every issue ever brought up here brings a quick and professionally reply from their COO.
Those who don't respond, are combative, or threaten shoppers in attempts to silence them go on my do-not-shop list.