Ipsos 1099s?

Anybody get theirs yet? Last year I emailed back and forth and was promised multiple times that it was in the mail. I finally got it March 1. I know they had to be mailed by Jan 31, but as it took so long last year and I got multiple excuses, one a week as to why it had not come yet before they finally just emailed it to me.

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I was just going to ask the same thing. But I usually give it through the first week of February because that is usually when it shows up for me. But then again, the mail around here gets lost sometimes. But nothing from them yet here either.
I emailed them. They told me to email if I don;t have it by Feb 15. Same thing they did last year. They kept stalling. I finally had to get a little rude and they emailed it right away.
I just checked my email and don't have anything from Ipsos. If you have yours what is the title of the email. I searched under 1099.
I've received both of mine.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
I got mine too. I wonder why they can't send them electronically like Market Force can.
They pay through PayPal. Most companies leave it up to the shopper to figure it out. I haven't gotten one since 2019.
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