A Closer Look trickery / xxxxxxx

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There are other companies that do this too.. Respond to the email, let the scheduler assign it to you. Before Intouch Insight bought them Alta used to tell folks to respond to the email and then self-assign the shops and the bonus would be added. But the bonus was never added, and if you did the shop on faith that they would honor their offer without seeing the bonus added to your shop, you were SOL.
I did two today off the board from a few days ago each with a $15 bonus. When I saw the $10 email bonus with TODAY ONLY, I had to chuckle like what's the big deal? Now I notice they are back to no pay. That's okay, between them and WaWa, I'm sub sandwiched out.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
They finally had to give up the lie about the client not offering bonuses. Nobody will touch them here even with the chicken scratch bonus. If not for having to be next to JM for an appt. I would have ignored it. After questioning their practices, I got a scalding email with several ALL CAPS excuses - but only about the first part of the email. Specifically the ‘email us’ instruction, while totally ignoring the sentence right after it instructing you to select ‘SIGN ME UP’ link AS A WAY TO ACCEPT IT. This was followed with an unfortunate remark about ‘letting it go this time as a courtesy.’

It wasn’t more than 5 minutes later that another email was sent demanding to know if I was going to do it. LOL. More desperate notices followed after that about the ‘assigned shop’ as late as 3:30 AM and well into the following day. A ‘GFAFK’ was not worth my time, so all it resulted in is her losing what must have been triple what I would have gotten for doing all of the work. She took 4 hours to respond to my email asking her if it was assigned or not. It would have taken her just as long if not longer to decide if she was going to assign it if I ASKED HER, since she would be holding out to see if anyone else would take the bait. Maybe they should try a different tact like being honest and upfront, instead of thinking they can outsmart us with their insulting click bait.

The median income in the US is 80k/year. The average yearly income is 114K. Most of us are still in our prime earning years. Next there will be all kinds of shortages and resulting inflation, and these MFs expect us to work for free. Nobody should settle for this BS. They would be forced to raise the pay with boycotts. It’s so not worth it.
ACL is generally stingy. I also refuse to do the sub shops. I got the email and noticed it said one has to email to receive the bonus. I think they are hoping that someone else will pickup the shop on auto-assign before they get to your email. Since they only bonused on the last day for most of the shops, I guess they don't care that much if they get done.

I recently had an experience with a different company during the holiday season where they were adding the bonuses in a way that was not completely straightforward. It was the last day of the month, and they decided to not have the shop completed instead of give me an extra $5. It was a shop that was difficult to fill in an area not easy to get to, especially on that day. It amazed me that they would rather not have the shop done over $5.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2025 08:45PM by JimmyP.
Yup, they think they’re calling your bluff by refusing to pay what amounts to minimum wage. ACL will lose their one big contract if they keep this up.
A lot of the MSCs rely on the same ICs to complete their restaurant shops every month so they should know better not to test them. When I SB86 them, they think changing the scheduler will make a difference and I’ll respond. All of them are pulling this BS now, thinking they can put the screws to shoppers who rely on their MS income. I’m not it.
@Minime wrote:

Yup, they think they’re calling your bluff by refusing to pay what amounts to minimum wage.

How they are able to operate in NV baffles me.
So don't do the shops if you don't like the compensation or dealing with the scheduler. That's why they call you an INDEPENDENT contractor.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2025 10:59PM by melg.
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