Customer Impact — Help, please!

I accepted a nicely bonused plush toy restocking.

However, when I got to the store (“M”), they refused because my LOA was from a different chain (store “C”). While I don’t much mind not getting paid (they would not allow me to count), I had a 2nd assignment to do. This one is 40 miles away, a couple towns up the highway. I’m not willing to drive 40 miles each way to be refused again. I was only given 1 LOA. Now I’ve received an email that the assignment is due today and will be removed if not completed.

I’ve written CI support at least 3 times, and have gotten no response. I’m a seasoned shopper/merchandiser, but this has me stumped.

Also, the report I filed a week ago hasnt even been edited; I’m comfortable with it not being paid, but uncomfortable with not knowing! Maybe that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but neither does going out without a LOA for the actual business.

What would you do?

I’m pretty uncomfortable doing nothing. I’d like to do something positive, and posting here is what I came up with.

Give me your best thoughts and advice! And if CI is reading this, just tell me what to do!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2025 04:24PM by ceasesmith.

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On Fridays you will be lucky if you get them to answer the phone as that is a short day for them. They are in TX so be sure you know the time zones differential when calling. I currently have shops pending for today, January 31 so I hope they approve that before midday.
From what I remember, there were different LOAs depending on the location you are going to. You were not representing CI but instead the stuffed animal people. Again, two different letters so you have to be sure to use the correct one.

Either call or email the scheduler or project manager for your area directly. Their info is in the information packets. They should be able to clarify.
There is a generic LOA. If it is not attached to you jobs, you may find it in the guidelines attached to the welcome to the project email.

Honestly, I've never actually been asked for an LOA. I try to get out of the mystery shopper mind frame and into the merchandiser mind frame. I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.
@mystery2me wrote:

There is a generic LOA. If it is not attached to you jobs, you may find it in the guidelines attached to the welcome to the project email.

Edited to add: It is the page after the Circle K LOA.

Honestly, I've never actually been asked for an LOA. I try to get out of the mystery shopper mind frame and into the merchandiser mind frame. I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.
@mystery2me wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

There is a generic LOA. If it is not attached to you jobs, you may find it in the guidelines attached to the welcome to the project email.

Edited to add: It is the page after the Circle K LOA.

Honestly, I've never actually been asked for an LOA. I try to get out of the mystery shopper mind frame and into the merchandiser mind frame. I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.

I've also never been asked for one for this project, but the gift cards or prepaid cards, I had a very paranoid cashier who called the store and district managers to confirm that my LOA wasn't fraudulent. And that was with my lanyard on.
Cease, it's good to see you on the board again. I don't think I've seen you in a long time. Open up your email that sent you the TY babies instructions, and there should be a phone number at the bottom of it that is for the person over the TY babies in your area. Or you can inbox Daniel Price on this board for probably a quick reply.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
It probably raised red flags because you were presenting a letter with the wrong store name. I have done many different locations and never needed a letter, and I believe you would have been fine had you just introduced yourself as the TY rep. The only letter I have ever seen in GoSpot is for Circle K, and I have never even used that one.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2025 02:01AM by bradkcrew.
@mystery2me wrote:

I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.

They are probably wearing branded uniforms and driving company vehicles. They are both Pepsico companies.
Same. I have never had to show an LOA. They were pretty used to seeing TY reps and never question it. Seems odd.
PS - I would be unhappy with not being paid.
@wrosie wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.

They are probably wearing branded uniforms and driving company vehicles. They are both Pepsico companies.

You are right of course, lol. But I mean you have to act like you are in uniform and driving a company vehicle, at least if you want to get through them with the least amount of hassle. And have the LOA as backup, of course.
There is a “Digital Business card” I show. I don’t usually used the letter. last month over 180 locations I visited. Only one had questions about me being a third party.
I am doing the ty project and have helped out with those posted on "the web sites" as they can not fill them. I have asked for the sites on my permanent rotation that I did the last minute on and have been refused. With one major client asking to stop the visits after another I have two that I will continue to do but only because I live near and they are nice. I have gone to obscure locations to help out but did not gain any positive reputation doing so. I do not get response from my state manager in a timely response, so I guess they are overwhelmed. You can tell from the locations that service has been iffy at best. They pay very low unless desperate and I am looking elsewhere. Some of the locations were so embarrassingly awful I spent extra time cleaning and sorting. Let me mention I have been merchandising since 2000 and the pay is still the same - gas isn't and my time isn' need to be your own CEO, HR, and Recruitment! Cut your losses and go find a company that appreciates you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2025 01:27AM by hilary2025.
The current flip side of the letter states Ty Vendor Authorization - Retail Merchandiser. And after almost 10 various locations I have never been asked for the letter or anything - they are just glad to see you. (Except for the chain that just puts them out themselves as they do not have consistent merchandisers. I live where I merchandise and do not like to be put out there to help and then stopped for no reason and have to face them in the community. (20 year veteran merchandiser here.
Semantics, but Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are two separate companies. Frito-Lay operates as a subsidiary owned by PepsiCo.
@wrosie wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

I doubt if Coca Cola or Frito Lay use LOAs, and I proceed like that.
They are both Pepsico companies.
CI does not work on weekends. You should have your ducks in order long before the weekends. I used to do casino shops and gas stations shops for them and the schedulers were available on weekends. But now, with the merchandising, they aren't nearly as accessible. I was doing the plush toy visits at a rural location monthly, but decided to wait for more money in January. No one asked why I decided to stop doing them or offering more money. I used to really like CI but it has changed.
I ended up not completing the second assignment.

I did check for the “generic” loa and did not find it in guidelines or email.

The visit I wrote above was my very first Ty assignment; I, too, have been doing this for years; I consider myself professional. I had the digital ID and the provided LOA. I printed the guidelines and studied them, and had them with me.

I always over prepare on a new assignment.
I did receive a 10/10 on my report (I also over-document everything, lol), but that doesn’t mean I will be paid; the client can still refuse to accept it.

Truly, this is the very first time I’ve had a problem with CI. They have always communicated well and have been more than fair to me.
ceasesmith - shoot me an email with more info related to it so I can not only look into it and help my staff improve, but make sure you're fully taken care of.

Daniel Price
Chief Operating Officer
Customer Impact, LLC
@purpleicee wrote:

@dprice - So very kind and decent of you to help. I wish more were like you.

Agreed. I’ve also had Doug at NWLPC do something similar for me years ago. BARE & HS Brands as well.
@BayShopper22 wrote:

@purpleicee wrote:

@dprice - So very kind and decent of you to help. I wish more were like you.

Agreed. I’ve also had Doug at NWLPC do something similar for me years ago. BARE & HS Brands as well.
Daniel has jumped in on multiple occasions to "fix" issues at his MSC. interesting enough, ive NEVER seen anything go past what he's fixed.

Cudos Daniel!

And a disclaimer, he actually steered me to the correct company that took over his client!

Pretty selfless in my mind.
Update: paid in full

I never emailed Mr. Price.

I was hoping for the equivalent to a “closed location” fee (I.e., partial pay). I feel grossly overpaid (highly bonused). Guess I’ll be taking a couple at base pay to balance the scales a little.

smiling smiley
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