Sketchy "offer letter" from Bare international

Update: After I posted on this forum, and on the Facebook group's chat channel as well, the person has either blocked me or deleted their profile. Their messages in the chat are also deleted. I am not in contact with them anymore. Thanks to everyone who responded and confirmed my suspicions.

I joined a mystery shoppers group on Facebook. Some person called "Sarah Bree Dawn Ochs" posted on it, asking for Mystery Shoppers. She claims to be from a company called "Bare International". I googled and found a company by that name. Then she sent me an "application form", which was basically a word doc asking for my info like name.address, age and gender. I sent her that info, and then she said she will run it b y her admin and let me know. Now they have emailed an "offer letter" and asking me for my bank info for Direct Deposit.

* I have never received an "offer letter" from any MSC in the past
* The emails came from a gmail id,
* Bare International has a website, why won't they ask me to register on the website directly?
* I couldn't find this person, Sarah Bree Dawn Ochs, on LinkedIn

Do you think its a scam?
How much damage can they do with the info they already have about me?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2025 11:33PM by dsrg.

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Did you give them your bank info?
If not, I think you're okay
But definitely register on the website
Don't. Just don't. You say you found the real Bare International online so register to shop on their actual site. They do not extend invitations.

There is absolutely nothing in what you've written above that sounds legitimate. And Facebook is fraught with scammers.

There is much valuable information here on this forum that you should acquaint yourself with if you truly want to mystery shop, including a list of real companies with website links. This is what we do and nobody here will ask for your bank account number or try to sell you something. Please read the new shoppers section and welcome to the forum!

P.S. use an ad blocker!
Why would they send you a form like that to fill out? To me, they should have just sent you a link to their website and the app they are on and let you do it yourself. I would think twice about giving that info out.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
Your info says you have been shopping for 7 years. Surely you have figured out how to sign up with new companies in all those years. But if not, you came to the right place. Aside from reading all the new member news if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a listing of mystery shop companies. Bare is there. Click on Bare to find out more info.
I work with Bare a lot and their employee's email addresses are They are a legitimate company, and you sign up to work for them just like you do any other company. No person will send you an application and they do not pursue shoppers that I know of. Also, they do not do direct deposit or ACH transfers, and they do not ask for your bank account info when you sign up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2025 06:04AM by 600ricki600.
Thanks Sandy.

I used to shop earlier with just a couple of companies. One of them shut down, and I got busy and stopped doing shops. I am resuming now after a looong gap.

I guess I let me defenses down and got lazy, and fell into the trap. Luckily, I realized the scam before I gave my bank info.
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