Sentry Question

I have an upcoming assignment with Sentry. It is at a casual dining restaurant. It was offered with a bonus on top of the normal pay rate. However, after being assigned the shop, the pay rate shows as the normal rate and the bonus is tacked on to the reimbursable amount. I inquired about this and was told that it's a GigSpot issue and was assured that in their system it shows as a bonus on top of the normal pay rate. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I mean on the one hand I'm not super comfortable moving forward with the shop because it doesn't show the correct pay. And I'm half expecting to encounter a payment issue that I'll have to spend time solving. But on the other hand I have documentation that assures me I will receive the correct pay. How would you proceed? Hoping someone else has encountered this with Sentry...

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You'll be paid correctly. This exact situation happened to me and I got my bonus as promised. It will take about 8 weeks to get paid, though, just so you aren't surprised.
Jancyn bonuses appear the same way on Gigspot. As the other person commented, it’ll be a while before you see any payment (months not weeks).
I got out of Gigspot as quickly as I could after I saw that I couldn't sign into Alta360 anymore without them. I'll never make that mistake again. And it's NOT easy, you have to fight, and email and make phone calls.. I'm far more careful about joining clearinghouse websites like that now. Thankfully ISS and Presto aren't as awful.
Thanks for the responses. I feel much better about moving forward with the assignment now.
I signed out of Gigspot. Now I cannot get email notifications. I tried to set hem on the MSC Shopmetrics site, but it won't take. Even tried to get the MSC help, to no avail.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
@Snuffycuts99....yeah, if you do the assignment correctly, you will be paid the right amount. Just count on it taking almost 3 months to get your money. It is a competition between Sentry and HS Brands as to who takes longer to pay their shoppers.
I have a Sentry question and instead of starting a new topic, figured I would post here. I so infrequently shop for them that I can't figure out their cadance of paying. Is it every two weeks? Every month? I am at the 6 week mark on a shop that was highly bonused and had a significant reimbursement. I am in their pay system and can see that it has uploaded, but it is just sitting there not processed. Any rhyme or reason to their payouts? I sent an inquiry 4 days ago, but have not received a response.
2 months. Sometimes 2.5 months when they're behind. I just got paid today for an early December shop.
I just checked my Sentry account. I've got it set to 90 miles, but I'm not getting e-mails notifying of available shops. I know how to change the e-mail setting in Sassie, but not Shopmetrics.

Can anyone help?
I’m waiting on an early Dec shop now.

@boridi wrote:

2 months. Sometimes 2.5 months when they're behind. I just got paid today for an early December shop.
Basically it depends on when they get to it. I think it's supposed to be by the end of the following month after a job is invoiced. But the thing is...sometimes they take forever to invoice lol
There was another thread (don't remember now) in the last couple months where a Sentry person came on and explained their process. I took it that they were a little defensive being called one of the slowest paying companies.

I do not have a problem with Sentry or the work, but for people who need quick reimbursement or payment, this is NOT the company you should be shopping for. It's a constant battle between HS Brands and Sentry as to who will take the longest to pay between those 2.
Just an update and I wonder if this is a trend for others. I emailed asking about my payment and the response was that it was processed today. So, it just so happened that after two months, the exact day that I email, my payment is processed? This has now happened twice. I smell a fish.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2025 03:00PM by gigishopper.
I had a Sentry and an HS shop the same week so watched to see who paid first. It was like racing snails. Sentry paid first by a few days but then that shop was also performed first, elapsed time was the same. And, 8 weeks.
They keep texting me about some hard to fill shops and I respond with, "I will consider AFTER I get paid for the ones I completed 2+ months ago."
I feel that my sentiments and experiences with Sentry, is somewhat similar to shopperbob's with HS Brands. The shops I accept, I've received payment within their stated terms. There may have been some instances where it was overdue.

I've only really actively checked on shops with a high reimbursement amount. Personally, I've not had issues with those shops. At the same time though, I'm not doubting anyone else's payment experience.
It is imperative that we, as ICs, read and understand the conditions of the work contract. I completed a single shop for Sentry approx. 17 yrs. ago. The experience was unacceptable to me, so I refrained from any additional jobs.
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