Wax Mystery Shop

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oh.. There used to be some tanning spa shops. But they were very restrictive, you had to get the services they told you to get. I've never understood all that girly stuff, I've never waxed or shaved any part of my body. I come from a long line of virtually hairless people, my boys can't even grow full beards. I'm also one of those weird crafty people that has, and sometimes still does, make their own candles.
@Morledzep wrote:

oh.. There used to be some tanning spa shops. But they were very restrictive, you had to get the services they told you to get. I've never understood all that girly stuff, I've never waxed or shaved any part of my body. I come from a long line of virtually hairless people, my boys can't even grow full beards. I'm also one of those weird crafty people that has, and sometimes still does, make their own candles.

Oh? I’m like the opposite and shave or Nair everywhere

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2025 05:13AM by DT.
Bestmark used to have them. Never did it as they wanted you to be a new customer qualifying you for a free wax. WHY? I could've done it without them without their freaking report, LMAO.
@Madetoshop wrote:

Bestmark used to have them. Never did it as they wanted you to be a new customer qualifying you for a free wax. WHY? I could've done it without them without their freaking report, LMAO.

Right, I remember seeing these. I'll go get the freebie without the work.
I had my eyebrows waxed years ago. It was not Bestmark . I dont remember which company it was but have not seen those shops for a long time.
There is another MSC that does the brow bar within the large cosmetics and beauty stores but I haven't seen that one in a couple months.
@joanna81 wrote:

@Madetoshop wrote:

Bestmark used to have them. Never did it as they wanted you to be a new customer qualifying you for a free wax. WHY? I could've done it without them without their freaking report, LMAO.

Right, I remember seeing these. I'll go get the freebie without the work.

These are like the airport lounges where you have a to book a refundable ticket, use the lounge and then cancel it before the flight.

Oh...thanks for the tip, MSC! Free lounge. No report required.
@gigishopper wrote:

I have seen one for a wax museum.
Yes, I did that one and will never do it again.
@foodluvr wrote:

There is another MSC that does the brow bar within the large cosmetics and beauty stores but I haven't seen that one in a couple months.

Oh I remember that one and I also haven't seen it in a pretty long time. Hope it'll come back. I enjoy some of the beauty/treat yo self shops.
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