Experience with Secret Shopper not paying full reimbursement?

I recently did my first shop with Secret Shopper and after getting a good eval it seems that they didn't fully reimburse me? They do say that they will rarely cut pay for bad/late reports, but my feedback from them was good.

It doesn't seem like there's much discussion about this company. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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I'm not sure I've ever seen them post a full reimbursement project. Usually their projects are no reimbursement (such as the hardware stores), or very low like $3-5 on other projects.

Did they advertise full reimbursement of your purchase?
It was a reimbursement only shop with a high listed limit which my spend was well within.

I added up my submitted receipts and compared that to my pay and I'm missing what seems to be an arbitrary amount. I thought they didn't reimburse the sales tax or required tip at first, but the math says that isn't the case.
I don't shop for them very often but they are usually responsive to shopper support inquires and pay out whatever they say they will (which can be very low or very high depending on the shop type). I'd send a polite note and ask. If an active MSC isn't discussed here very often it is usually a case of "no news is good news."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2025 01:30PM by NinS.
agreed, they are usually very responsive. They don't have much in my area, sounds like we don't have the good projects here!
knowing Secret Shopper, it wasn't a reimbursement only shop, it was most likely a Pay only shop that didn't cover the amount you spent to do the job. Most of their jobs give you set amount of $$ for pay, and they tell you to buy something, usually very vague, no specific items mentioned, just generalizations. So if you spent more than the amount they offered, it's on you.
Sorry to hear that they have not fully reimbursed you for your completed shop. I have been with them for over a decade and I have never had an issue with them paying for shops. My (2) issues are they added some reward system that is kiddie like based on doing a number of shops and they are offering to pay, not reimburse at the same rate for ice cream shops of which the price has went up drastically from over a decade ago. Here is their information to reach out to them if you don't have it; they do normally respond within a few days. coordinator@secretshopper.com. Good Luck!
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