Virginia Horton - real person?

Is she an actual person or one of Bare's aliases?

Second question, has anyone ever had an email response from Virginia?

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Virginia used to work with different MSCs and I emailed/messaged her regularly, so she is a real person. I think she might have been with Informa and GFK (old names). I don't know if she still is with Bare. I have emailed her as well and not received a message back so who knows...but she used to be a real, live person!!

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
@Cassiespark wrote:

Is she an actual person or one of Bare's aliases?

Second question, has anyone ever had an email response from Virginia?

I think that she perhaps used to work there.

Nope. Never.

I'm getting shorted on a mailing center ($30 to ship 8 miles to myself). I'm not happy about it, but I am also not going to spend much more time on it.
Yes I am a real person and no it is not a BARE Alias. If I am not the Project Manager or Operations of the Project you are asking about I do send your emails to the correct person so I do not give you wrong information. Also, please note that BARE works in multiple platforms and I recieve emails in every platform. I currently recieve approximately 300 emails per day.
How would someone know that when you don't respond at all? It takes about 10 seconds to type an email that says "I'm adding in the right contact" or "I've forward this to the right contact." Silence costs us time and money trying to chase a ghost. Your name is listed as the payment contact for the shipping shops, why not take 10 minutes to get it corrected? You can fix the problem or just complain about...the former is a better path.

And for what its worth, I get at least 300 emails every day as well at my full time job (I run a global team). And I clear my inbox out night. You can do it through rules and time management. Might actually make your workload a lot more manageable. Because complaining about how busy you are as an excuse for radio silence from Bare is a pretty challenging answer.

@BareScheduler wrote:

Yes I am a real person and no it is not a BARE Alias. If I am not the Project Manager or Operations of the Project you are asking about I do send your emails to the correct person so I do not give you wrong information. Also, please note that BARE works in multiple platforms and I recieve emails in every platform. I currently recieve approximately 300 emails per day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2025 06:26PM by Cassiespark.
Virginia Horton is real, and you can find her on Facebook. I've received emails from her in the last 5 months.

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