ISO msc Scheduling the gas station chain named after a SMALL Ford pickup

Anyone know? I hope its not Ipsos lol.

ETA not Pegasus lol. White letters on red background going thru a big expansion atm.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 08:07AM by Ideagirl.

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Che? Secretariat? I guess they're not in my area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2025 04:28PM by sestrahelena.
Is it a pegasus and not a horse? IQMWTO. There's a red pegasus that flies over downtown Dallas to represent an old oil company.
Is it the one that has their convenient store named after Tom Cruise's character in Top Gun?
Ohhh! Thanks for clarification. Unfortunately, I have not seen shops for this, but I seem to be on the wrong side of the country. Hopefully you get hints from those who know!
If the initials are "RR", I believe this one has been shopped by Elite but there is a thread about that company not paying (I haven't been following that thread, I have just not done shops for that company in about a year). They were previously shown in Gigspot for me and it was multiple purchases.
I can't help but want to play! But I think joanna81 is correct about the client. I had other vintage gas stations on my mind too. I don't know about the MSC though.
I thought it was the ford pickup that now has a name that, in the 70's, was a car model. Not mustang but kinda like it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 07:44PM by sestrahelena.
@sestrahelena - Exactly what I was thinking. Strange how Ford named two of their products with the same name. Maybe a Pinto truck will emerge. smiling smiley
I know the company (and don't think RR would be relevant to them). I just have no idea what the answer is for the MSC. smiling smiley
I'm assuming that the C-Store in question is the "Tom Cruise Flyboy Character' store.
The stores are owned by the company that used to own Flying J truck stops (among other businesses), but in 2009 they sold the Flying J's to Pilot as a part of their bankruptcy deal. The company bought the C-Store chain in 2012, and lately have been expanding through acquisitions. They are headquartered in Utah, and all of their 400 locations are west of the Mississippi River. They just bought Kum-n-Go and have plans to rebrand all of those locations to the Tom Cruise name.
TeacherGuy coming with the industry knowledge drop. Thanks, Teach.

Sestra, Okie and Purple, I'm now in a small rabbit hole looking at how cool some of the older trucks looked (mostly the 50's and 60's) because I did not realize Ford re-used a name.

I was incorrect on the truck named gas station and now realize which one it is (that starts with an M). I am of no help on this because they're not in my area.
I really have no clue about all of the above, no pun intended! Regarding trucks, even more clueless! However, visiting some landmark/unique type gas stations, sounds like fun, to me.
I think the poster is talking about a truck stop chain that is based primary in Texas and Illinois, with locations in a few adjoining states. They have a two word name. The first word in their name is a word that starts with an R and means the same thing as "street". The second word in the name is the mascot names of the Texas MLB team and the New York NHL team. It is more of a truck stop / travel center chain than a generic gas station brand. All that said, I know they are shopped, but I am not sure by whom.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2025 02:21AM by thunderdeacon.
I think I'm on the same wavelength as joanna81 and thunderdeacon. Maybe Ideagirl can confirm. This is killing me!
@thunderdeacon wrote:

I think the poster is talking about a truck stop chain that is based primary in Texas and Illinois, with locations in a few adjoining states. They have a two word name. The first word in their name is a word that starts with an R and means the same thing as "street". The second word in the name is the mascot names of the Texas MLB team and the New York NHL team. It is more of a truck stop / travel center chain than a generic gas station brand. All that said, I know they are shopped, but I am not sure by whom.

I thought it was this chain as well, it is not, but excellent hints!
Ideagirl threw this riddle out and just abandoned us! Left us hanging! But none of us had any relative information anyway. At least it inspired the mention of "Kum-n-Go" so we could all silently giggle like twelve-year-olds. I am.
Not around Central Indiana. Took some work to find out the name.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
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