Car wash MSCs?

A chain that I enjoyed shopping recently left Intellishop. I sheepishly asked for a hint about the new MSC in another thread, and the only response was that their owners like to go to MSPA meetings.

That didn't help, so I'm trying it this way. Which MSCs offer car washes? I'm signed up with most of the active MSCs, and these are the ones I know to offer car washes:

Market Force Information
Shared Insight

Any others? I'm hoping to find the name of an MSC I'm not signed with, because I've combed through all the ones I'm with, and no dice. TIA.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2025 04:28PM by KokoBWare.

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@zezima1 wrote:

I was wondering where my Big Wave shops went.
The client I'm looking for has a similar name ... it has the same name as what hit the cruise ship in "The Poseidon Adventure." I'm starting to believe that the guy in the other thread who said they've moved was mistaken ... looks like maybe they've discontinued their program entirely. None of the suggestions here have checked out (the company Service Award mentioned doesn't even show up in a web search).

Thanks anyway folks!
@weatherman2111 wrote:

@ServiceAward wrote:

SixtyNine Reviews

Nice winking smiley
Let me in on the joke?
Regarding Confero: See other threads regarding nonpayment of shoppers.


@KokoBWare wrote:

A chain that I enjoyed shopping recently left Intellishop. I sheepishly asked for a hint about the new MSC in another thread, and the only response was that their owners like to go to MSPA meetings.

That didn't help, so I'm trying it this way. Which MSCs offer car washes? I'm signed up with most of the active MSCs, and these are the ones I know to offer car washes:


@DRJ wrote:

Regarding Confero: See other threads regarding nonpayment of shoppers.

1) I haven't had an issue yet getting paid by Confero.
2) You missed the point of why I mentioned them.
That was just a public service announcement for anyone else thinking of doing shops with Confero.

I never had an issue with payment until September. Now it has happened again in December and they are more than a week out of compliance with their own payment terms. They are not responding to shopper inquiries about this. Red flags that indicate a company is in trouble.

People need to know that if they do shops with Confero, they may not get paid.
@KokoBWare wrote:

@weatherman2111 wrote:

@ServiceAward wrote:

SixtyNine Reviews

Nice winking smiley
Let me in on the joke?

Think junior high school level humor, "69"
@BayShopper22 wrote:

@KokoBWare wrote:

@weatherman2111 wrote:

@ServiceAward wrote:

SixtyNine Reviews

Nice winking smiley
Let me in on the joke?

Think junior high school level humor, "69"
Kind of an odd place to put an off-color joke, but OK, thanks.
Coincidentally, CustomerOptix (sister company) in my area. The number of shops is overkill, actually!
I’ve been enjoying the Duck themed washes accessible on ISecretShop. This chain of car washes is popping up all around and I can usually pick up a wash in one of the areas I am shopping in every time i try.
Did anyone figure this out? I thought maybe it was on hold during colder weather but I haven’t seen anything anywhere
Car wash chains are generally local, so a lot of times an MSC is only going to have them in certain areas.
I am so glad I saw your note on the forum. I did a job with this company and I failed to write down their name.
@Crowes1999 wrote:

Did anyone figure this out? I thought maybe it was on hold during colder weather but I haven’t seen anything anywhere
No. This chain has never been on hold during cold weather before. As far as I can tell, they've ended their MS program. I think the guy in the other thread who said they just switched MSCs was mistaken. sad smiley
@rargirl wrote:

I’ve been enjoying the Duck themed washes accessible on ISecretShop.

A regular for me, administered by BARE.

I will usually work with the project manager to pre-book 8 to 10 visits each month. Then I pester the schedulers to rebook because of weather. :-D

Have synthesizers, will travel...
@CoolMusic wrote:

@rargirl wrote:

I’ve been enjoying the Duck themed washes accessible on ISecretShop.

A regular for me, administered by BARE.

I will usually work with the project manager to pre-book 8 to 10 visits each month. Then I pester the schedulers to rebook because of weather. :-D
Wish we had the duckie here in eastern North Carolina. With the oceanic phenomenon that hit the "Poseidon Adventure" no longer being shopped, and the mid-1960s British youth movement who loved The Who gone (or the TV "Squad" that Peggy Lipton belonged to if you prefer), we're down to the Bestmark one that pays reimbursement only and one about about 40 miles from me that also pays reimbursement only. Bottom feeders snap them up, too.

Confero has another client (Ireland's color but very angry) 100 miles from me. Too far. That's it.
I miss those carwash shops! I loved their Graph-4X gloss! I don't like the surfboard carwash because it doesn't do a good cleaning or wax job. The MF shops don't cover the carwash fee, and the carwash wanted $5 for their detail kit, which means no cloth to dry your car.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
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