Second to none

Hello! I have been trying for 2 days to login to Second to none and I keep getting a white screen with a little help word on the right corner. I was prompted yesterday to change my password when trying to login and I did and now I can’t get to the screen where you actually login because of this error. Has anyone ever had this happen? Ive only been shopping with them about a year but never had this issue. I tried to click help but it’s not even letting me submit anything for that. Any ideas?

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Is it a new company or just a mane change? Do you use the same login information from S2N or do you have to create a new account with the new name?
That's been happening for me as well. I always get a prompt to sign in if I try to pull up the website on its own, but if I use a previous link such as one from an email I do not have to sign in. I never want to sign in because I don't know my password but I can sign in on my phone with my fingerprint. I just now found an old email and hit the link to see shops and I saw that there are actually no shops available, as there had been before this started happening. I think it might happen when there are no shops.
Stop trying to pull up Second To None. Go to Shopperhub. At year end the shops may all be gone. Try in a few days.
My scheduler said to- "Go under settings in your web browser to view or you will see History on your browser as an option." I have no idea what he means.
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