Shoppers Inc. aka Insight You Can Use

Just wondered if anyone had shopped for them (search as usual brings up the wrong threads)?

I had a log in but it just didn't work - and no recovery email. That is when I decided to dig in further and found that even though they have a fully filled out web presence none of it works.

Links don't work and phone numbers appear to be disconnected - I say appear because the call is dropped after the first ring, there is no "disconnected" message. That could also be call-blocking, not sure.
I don't recall any history with this company but I had a log in so who knows ...

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I'm not sure about Insight You Can Use, but I signed up with Shoppers Inc some months ago, when a client changed MSCs. Most of their shops seem to be in Oklahoma. I completed a couple of shops for them and received a paper check.

This is the login page I use:
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