To find out who to contact for your specific unpaid shops, you can find the contact on the platform. Are these shipping shops on ISS (the subject of this thread). If so, you do this:
1. Open ISS website
2. Click on Payments
3. Click on down arrow in drop down menu, upper right corner and change from Paid to Pending
4. Find the unpaid shop
5. Look in the dark blue banner under the project for contact info. Mine shows the following, but yours may be different:
If you have questions, please contact the responsible MSP directly:BARE International(800) 296-6699 or email
@Lady63 wrote:
11/25( x2), 11/19, 11/19, I am going to pause until I get paid, I have been too busy interviewing for jobs non-stop! Has there ever been any action against any of the non-paying companies, if so what do you do?