Coyle Hotel Scheduling Timing

For those who have a lot of experience with Coyle hotel assignments, I have a question about the scheduling timing. I was wondering if there is any rhyme or reason to when the scheduler actually assigns them. I have been doing their hotel shops for a few years now. I have done about a dozen, including some very expensive shops that are $4000-5000 for the entire stay, and I have 100% rating on all of them. Sometimes, I see hotel shops get assigned within a few hours, some a few days, while others take much longer. There is one particular very upscale resort that has been on the board for over two weeks now. I applied for it when it was first posted, asking for only $50 bid and no travel expenses, and I have still not been assigned it. It is for a company that I have done four other hotels for (in other locations).

I am totally perplexed as to why the scheduler has not assigned it yet. In this case, I am particularly frustrated because it is a flight to a warm location in January (and I live in Boston), and the flight cost when I first applied for it was totally in my price range, but it was unusually low and now the price is creeping up. I almost wanted to just purchase the flight just in case I get assigned, with the knowledge that I might need to cancel it and use the credit for a flight somewhere else (which isn't a huge deal for me, because I definitely will be flying a few times in the next year). But I decided to just wait and see, because I have no idea how likely it is that I will get assigned. In the past, I have only had to wait a few days to get assigned. This is the longest I have had to wait.

I'm trying to figure out WHY the scheduler hasn't assigned it to me, given my shopper rating and my willingness to do it without travel expenses. Does anyone who have experience with them have any thoughts on what I might be missing? Thank you so much for any insights you might have.

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Sorry, this may not help or apply. I have a small sample size of five hotels shops for Coyle, all in my area. I think two of the shops got assigned to me within two to three days. One was a chain and the other was privately owned. The other three shops were from another chain. For me, these were the only shops that took one to two weeks to get assigned because a group of locations would all get posted at once. For another hotel, I think my application fell off after a week, but I think this was early on when I didn't do as many shops for them.
Short answer...they are sitting on the shops for an unknown reason. I have discussed getting one of those warm locations assigned with the scheduler. and it still hasn't happened. The airfare continues to go up and they don't care. They have not cared for along time about that stuff....
Thank you, Okie and Steve, for your replies. I do have an update myself. Yesterday, I logged on to Coyle and saw that my applications for these shops were no longer pending. At first, I assumed that meant that they had been assigned to someone else. But then, when I went to look at open shops, I saw that they were STILL being listed on the board. At that point, I emailed the scheduler to find out why my applications had been cancelled, even though the shops were still listed. I received a prompt response noting that the client had put a hold on these shops, as they were unsure whether they wanted to proceed with them. I then asked what I should do, since I still wanted to be considered. I was told to apply again, as if the client decides to move forward, I would need to have an application already in. I went ahead and did so, but it is completely unclear to me why they cancelled my application to begin with. At least, now, I know that the client might not actually want to have the shops scheduled. That is useful information, I suppose.
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