IPSOS: Special Route Shopping Opportunity

Hmm...Shopper Pay: $15 per location (minimum of 10 locations)
average time 30 minutes per stop. Placing 100 stickers on Vape products.
Come on ! Raise the @#$%&ing FEE !!!! Fuel and driving time !!
Business casual. Then please pay us, like the professionals we are !

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The next email will probably be "URGENT!! MUST COMPLETE ASAP: $17 per location (min 30 locations)"
Like they actually have somebody do a test run for us to see how long it takes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2024 01:03AM by Minime.
I took a handful, as I don't think this will be that bad. My way of thinking is that this comes at a time of year when shops are going to be very hard to come by. Pickings are usually slim in December. Pretty much all of the high bonused shops that I may have done over the last couple years in December are gone already, though many by me in the last couple weeks because the bonuses were given early. These will allow me to stay in a 20 mile radius of my home to, which when you have driven a lot lately, is appealing.

Have I made a mistake? We'll see. Apparently I will be the forum guinea pig on this. smiling smiley
@KA047 I think these would be pretty easy. I have a feeling you will come out ahead by doing these.
There was only one that I could see in my area. Maybe someone grabbed them. Maybe someone saved me the trouble.
First reaction was probably not worth the pay, but as others have noted, it's a fair amount of work at a time when pickings can be slim.

The time window coincides with the end of fall semester classes, so I will have several hours a day to fill. When I first looked at the project there was a slew in my area. Might just dive on in... we'll see if I wind up muttering under my breath while working.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
December is a busy month for me in my personal life (kids bday, various school events, etc) and I try not to schedule shops the first two weeks. This time of year I tend to see nice bonuses appear, so if things are slow for shops in your area, keep an eye out for the bonused stuff.
Whelp... I went for it.

85 locations in my area.

If they go quickly and smoothly I will pocket a nice chunk of change.

If the first few go well over 30 minutes it'll be a looooong time before the rest drop off my board...

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I took a look at what was out there and it would take driving in two states to hit their ten location minimum.
@claabe wrote:

Then please pay us, like the professionals we are !

Is not some sort of professional job like a doctor or a lawyer. You’re putting stickers on boxes. It’s never gonna pay a professional fee.
Sorry, I disagree. Anyone can be a professional, at what they do. With ethical standards and exhibit being courteous, conscientious and a businesslike manner. Professionals take responsibility for their own behavior and work effectively with others. High quality work standards, honesty, and integrity. A professional looks clean, neat and are dressed appropriately for the job.
@claabe wrote:

Sorry, I disagree. Anyone can be a professional, at what they do. With ethical standards and exhibit being courteous, conscientious and a businesslike manner. Professionals take responsibility for their own behavior and work effectively with others. High quality work standards, honesty, and integrity. A professional looks clean, neat and are dressed appropriately for the job.

Well, if you’ve ever been to a conference full of mystery shoppers, you’ll realize that $30 an hour is more than adequate for the majority.
Sure. But, you are not making $30 an hour. The 30 minutes as it states, does not include your fuel and drivingtime. You might have to wait, to get to the product (CSR could be busy) and working behind a counter and locating all the products. If I have learned anything, doing merchandising for other companies...
The guess-a-mated times are always wrong.
Bay, those aren't pofessionals at the conferences....<smirk>...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 01:52PM by salisburync.
As one of the guinea pigs, I thought I'd share an update.

I have not had to place over 30 stickers at any location thus far. This is due to the chain c-store simply not selling half of the SKU's that get stickered (a store manager clued me in on that). Average number of total stickers placed is in the teens to mid-20's.

Time per shop (including entering and submitting the report) has been 10-15 minutes. Staff seems very aware of this program and are expecting the visit, so no one has been caught off guard.

No problem with the report, editing times, or them being accepted, even with the lower amounts of stickers being placed. This has been easy money. Of course, this is just my personal experience with the program. My only regret is not taking more.
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