kimcox17 Wrote:
> Can someone PLEASE help me? I live in an area
> where no one accepts CORI EXXON so the fees go up.
> I have attempted a couple but had to cancel my
> last one because I couldn't get the date & time to
> record on the pictures. I called my camera co. and
> they said it can't be done (I just purchased an el
> cheapo camera from Walmart). The pictures turn out
> great though. Isn't there a way to add the date
> and time after my pictures are in my computer?????
Have you tried taking the camera back to WalMart to
see if they can set the date and time on it? If it
does have a time and date programed in your camera
they should help you. Or contact CRI and ask them
what you should do if all else fails.