Coroporate Research International

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They are legit. I have been with them for years. They have put the "Cheap" in Cheapskate...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Stageangel - They're real. Their shops start off low, but the fees increase through the month if they're not picked up. For example, they have a FF/ice cream that starts at $3.00, and I've seen them go up to $50.00. A gas shop starts at $6.00, but can go up to $50.00. The fees roll upward over the month, and you decide when they look good enough.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
They are legit and probably the fastest payer out there.

They are not a high payer to start with with but with bonuses some of their shops can reach a fairly high payment. They also have a fairly limited range of dates and are harder to schedule for dates in the future.
Corporate Research International is a legitimate MSP. Just making sure there's no scam company calling itself Coroporate Research International.
I enjoy doing most all of their shops offered EXCEPT a certain gas station / convenience store where it is necessary to take a picture of each gas pump. I could have been there all day waiting for the pumps to free up so I could get pictures. By the way, until I joined this forum, I didn't realize I could wait a few days and the fees go up!! Thanks!
Hello Kim - You may not want to do those stations anyway, but if you do, here are a couple of suggestions that may help.

Every station has "drive time" when it's hard to get pictures of the pumps. This happens early in the morning, when everyone is going to work, and late in the afternoon, when everyone is going home. At most locations, it won't be hard to get pump pictures other times of the day. Usually the outside pumps are the busiest, so when I see one of them open up, I jump on it right way and get the pic.

I have a special cheat sheet I made up. It has all the questions for that type station, and it has numbers on it 1 thru 24 for the pumps. When I check my pics before leaving the station, I circle the number for each pump that I have a picture of, and I check to be sure I have answers to all the questions. This has saved my bacon more than once on the pump pictures.

I have cheat sheets for four different brands of stations. I don't guarantee the sheets, but if anybody wants copies I'll upload them if you'll send me your email. You can probably revise and add to them to make them better, but it'll give you a starting place if you don't already have cheat sheets.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
> Stageangel - They're real. Their shops start off
> low, but the fees increase through the month if
> they're not picked up. For example, they have a
> FF/ice cream that starts at $3.00, and I've seen
> them go up to $50.00. A gas shop starts at $6.00,
> but can go up to $50.00. The fees roll upward
> over the month, and you decide when they look good
> enough.

Well, this is good to know! I just signed up with them!
The fee is based on what they paid the last shopper to do it.

If a project is "new," sometimes it takes a while for the fees to increase. There was a certain drive-thru ice cream shop that finally became a decent bonus after about two months on the board. It went from $3 to $30, or even $50. The next round, the shops were dine-in, so the computer didn't raise the fees for over a month again.

Meanwhile, there is a gas shop out in the sticks that has been around for a while, so the system starts at $3 for maybe a day, then starts going up at the beginning of the month. Two similar shops were taken at $5 a couple months ago, so the fees don't go up.
Thanks, I didn't know how that worked. I just wish they would schedule farther out than 3 days.

MDavis, I sent you a pm.
I have completed several shops for them. Their pay schedule is excellent! Their pay is small and works for the "NEW" shoppers for a month and they catch on. The gas shops with the take photos of "ALL" the pumps is too much for the pay they offer. We all learn. I do like them and the schedulers are good to work with.

People really dog on CRI, but, living in the boonies, their shops get bonused enough to be worth it. The forms are simple with few narratives, and they pay quickly.

(I have never done a mangled pizza shop and have never read any positive about it.)
When they bonus at a great price, I always grab them. Have done more shops
for them than others. Great company!
I certainly like them. I just wait out their laughable first commissions until it approaches reality. And they can't be beat for their fast pay, it's weekly!
Heartland, Thanks "The fee is based on what they paid the last shopper to do it. "
I've always wondered what the rationale was on how the shops increase. I see two practically on the next block from each other with a great difference in the commissions. Your explanation make sense.
This principal is used by other companies as well. I got a call for a bonus shop and said for that fee I could not do it. The scheduler told me that was what I did it for the last time I shopped it.

The last time I shopped it I had multiple shops and just picked it up. This time it would have been a single shop. Since then I have been careful to set my price as it is a single shop.
I just did a take a pic of all the gas pumps shop. It is for an immaculate store that I really can't find anything to report a no on. They have a whopping total of 4 pumps and it was bonused to $48!!!! Yay for the boonies!
I have only done a couple of shops for them because they are so cheap. They do pay quickly though.
Can someone PLEASE help me? I live in an area where no one accepts CORI gas stations so the fees go up. I have attempted a couple but had to cancel my last one because I couldn't get the date & time to record on the pictures. I called my camera co. and they said it can't be done (I just purchased an el cheapo camera from Walmart). The pictures turn out great though. Isn't there a way to add the date and time after my pictures are in my computer?????

Oops, just noticed I made a mistake on this post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2011 02:42AM by kimcox17.
kimcox17 Wrote:
> Can someone PLEASE help me? I live in an area
> where no one accepts CORI EXXON so the fees go up.
> I have attempted a couple but had to cancel my
> last one because I couldn't get the date & time to
> record on the pictures. I called my camera co. and
> they said it can't be done (I just purchased an el
> cheapo camera from Walmart). The pictures turn out
> great though. Isn't there a way to add the date
> and time after my pictures are in my computer?????

Have you tried taking the camera back to WalMart to
see if they can set the date and time on it? If it
does have a time and date programed in your camera
they should help you. Or contact CRI and ask them
what you should do if all else fails.
Some cameras you need to get the software and install. I bought a Cannon and that problem. Must have been the only one ever made without that software already on it.
Do a search on 'cameras'. I think it was Barbage who purchased software for $20 as a download that will put a date/time stamp on photos because her camera does not have the capability of doing it.
Thanks all. I called CORI - they were kind but couldn't help. I also went back to Walmart & they didn't have my camera in stock. I'll look into buying the software. THANKS!!
They always pay when the other jobs are slow, but I agree the tree day slots are are to work with sometimes. Afterall many of us have other jobs to work around their small window.
Does anyone have any info on the merger they just announced?

- shopping Miami, FL; MSPA Silver
cyn615 Wrote:
> They always pay when the other jobs are slow, but
> I agree the tree day slots are are to work with
> sometimes. Afterall many of us have other jobs to
> work around their small window.

I got the feeling ,not long after I started shopping ,schedulers do not consider shoppers may have full time jobs. They are only concerned with getting the shop scheduled in the time frame in the contract with the client.

I was lucky enough to be able off my full time job and do the scheduled shop if it had a good bonus and worth my time.
Schedulers have their focus, just as shoppers have theirs. Some jobs can only be performed during what would be considered 'normal working hours', some can only be performed evenings, some can only be performed on weekends. So all they can do is ask if you can do the job. Keep in mind that those of us who do not have a full time job are not always available either. If it is an interesting job, you just see if you can find a day/time when it is feasible.
Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum.

I really enjoy doing Apartment shops for CRI, and I like the way they pay so quickly. However I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the fee they charge when processing payments. I have completed jobs for many companies and this is the only one that attaches a fee on their payments. What's up with that?
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