Also, when you make the phone call to get the rates sent to you, have them send it to an alias at your address. My 9 year old grandson got 29 envelopes from the bank one month. Two rate sheets, a business card or envelope and the front of the folder times two packets is 8 pics, not 48....but after 29 of them it sure seemed like 48 apiece. lolol They are on my never again list....the shop, not the company.
That was during a dry spell when my car was busted and I had to use Ron's and be home everyday by 2:00 pm. Maritz bank shops kept me going during that time and also got me hooked up with other gas shops. I love Maritz.
Today I Will Choose Joy!
"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!