Maritz- STAY AWAY!!

The shops done in August, at least should be paid on the 15th of September. Anything not processed by the 3rd or 5th of the month will not be paid until the first of the next month.

I don't remember what the exact date for the receipt to be processed is but it seems way early to me. It has been a while since accounting told me the cut off dates. They were changed when some other changes came about. Seems like it used to be anything processed by the 10th was paid the 15th and anything processed by the 25th was paid on the first. Anyway now they hold our money longer. I just know I am not getting money as quick as I used to.

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I will call tomorrow. They have always been good to help when I call. There was a shop a few months ago they didn't pay me for. I called and the lady said you did not invoice it. But I had saved the invoices and mailed it to them and I got paid. So it pays to keep the copies.
Good luck. I got a check a while back for a shop over three months old. I missed it and I guess they did also. The shope I don't like are the no purchase ones. I feel better when I have a receipt. I dropped by mouse on one and I got kicked off the invoice page but it went in.

They are still easy to work with for me also. That is way I still with them.
I wish they had something on their site that showed if they receive the invoice like Marketforce. And direct deposit!
I thought there was a link on the Maritz site to see what completed shops had been processed for payments and which ones had not. I thought I had seen a list like that but I guess not. I looked at the "help" questions, but some of the information seems dated and did not address the problem. So no help there.

I did get a check yesterday (got it out of the box today) and it was for shops done August 14-20. So that makes almost a month after they are completed I got paid for them. My shops page was cleared of all my completed shops within 5 or 6 days after I completed them. If any of them were held up for any reason they did not have any questions for me.

I also would like to be able to see what has been processed for payment. That way we could check it against our paperwork for an idea of the shops we are being paid for and what is left.
Shops completed from the 1st to the 15th are paid on the last day of the month. Shops completed from the 16th to 31st are paid on the 15th of the following month.
My check came today. It was a mail problem as somebody said. I had to leave the house before the mail came, so I called and she said it had been mailed the 15th. She told me to call anytime I had question. Great company to work for.
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