Maritz- STAY AWAY!!

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This company is a scam. They advertise easy [bank] shops. What a joke. They expect you to spend hours uploading photo's as many as 48 photo's for $8.00 a shop. Are you kidding me. They will use you report and then refuse to pay. Don't be fooled by "EASY SHOPS"

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I feel scam is the wrong word to use here. Maritz is not a scam, but I do agree, the shops are not worth the pay.
They have a lot of decent shops. You should check into them further...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
You've been disappointed, but Maritz is an important and reputable company offering a lot of legitimate work.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
You may want to remove the name of the client. It's a violation of your IC to say the company and client in the same topic.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I was once registered with this company. I did one or two jobs. Then without explanation, I received an email from them saying they were removing me from their list. I emailed them and asked them for a reason and got no response. This happened years ago, and, although I have tried, I have never been able to reregister. Very strange.

"Evolve thyself and lose all hate...." Orphaned Land
I would call them and find out why

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
That might be a good idea, mrcomputer, but this was probably about eight years ago. At this point, they might not have any idea.

"Evolve thyself and lose all hate...." Orphaned Land
I have never had any problem with their shops. I know their pay isn't great, but it usually seems to be enough when I do it as an on the way shop. Of course I have never had to upload that many pictures. I did think their picture uploading was easier than some other companies.
Agreed. However, it will get you an answer why you cannot reregister. A lot of times, I call just to BS with them. Some are even human...grinning smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2011 07:54PM by mrcomputer101.
I find Maritz to be quite professional. I've no interest in the overwhelming majority of their jobs at the stated pay, but they occasionally call and sometimes we agree; unfortunately, we're on a streak of 7 calls without an acceptance, but THAT'S business. Any checks I'm due always arrive on time, when a client fired me I was given an explanation and they're quite accessible; I can ask no more of an MSC.
If you do not care to shop for Maritz, don't shop. Maritz is a reputable company. I don't think they deserve this kind of treatment.

I shop for Maritz, never had any problems and get paid on time.
With the exception of the busywork of scanning/ photographing all the documentation and uploading it, they're good to work with. I just don't do those low paying bank shops anymore.

I never understood why the pay was lower for those savings shops that require double the paperwork and a painfully obvious scenario of having the bank mail stuff to you when you live near the branch.... Then visiting the branch and probably ending up with the banker who sent the stuff to you. Goofy. Those should be separate shops, separate pay.

I do occasionally do the banker shops since we opened an account with that bank. Those pay more and don't require all that scanning. They have lots of work, great for fillers and for routes, especially with bonuses at EOM. They've always paid on time. I do wish they'd use email rather than all the phone calls, though!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2011 05:00AM by TechSavvy.
OK, I personally do these shops, and they are as said... Quick And Easy.... the most pics you upload are 8, you just make a call and a visit and you are done. I do about 20 of these a month, takes me 2 days. I wish there were more of them. They never refused to pay me. Even if there is a discrepancy with a report, you fix it and everyone is happy.

Maritz is fun to work with and they have a lot more than just one type of shop.
Maritz is a great company to work for... I do several hundreds of dollars worth of work for them every month and when you get into the right programs and get to know the schedulers, they can't be beat.

But yes, these 5-minute shops are horrible. They pay a dollar less than the 10-minute shops and are twice as much work. I did one once and only because it was in a very remote location I would be going to for several other shops and because it was extremely well-bonused. But never again will I do the 5-minute shops. I've been called and asked to do a couple since then and I've always told the scheduler exactly what I said here... it is just not worth the money, even for double the pay!

But please don't call the company a scam. They are one of the quickest and most reliable when it comes to payment. They are upfront and honest about what they will pay you. And when you get to know them, you won't find nicer people to work with!

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
I agree with everyone here. Reputable company, horrible supposedly "quick and easy 5 minute" shops.
The "quick and easy 5 minute" shops are not close enough to me for me to shop but the compnay is reputable and I have no problem working with and for them.
jimntx3 Wrote:
> This company is a scam. They advertise easy bank
> shops. What a joke. They expect you to spend
> hours uploading photo's as many as 48 photo's for
> $8.00 a shop. Are you kidding me. They will use
> you report and then refuse to pay. Don't be
> fooled by "EASY SHOPS"
You just outed yourself. Any good MSC like Maritz will start thinking twice about hiring a Jim from Texas........
Also, when you make the phone call to get the rates sent to you, have them send it to an alias at your address. My 9 year old grandson got 29 envelopes from the bank one month. Two rate sheets, a business card or envelope and the front of the folder times two packets is 8 pics, not 48....but after 29 of them it sure seemed like 48 apiece. lolol They are on my never again list....the shop, not the company.

That was during a dry spell when my car was busted and I had to use Ron's and be home everyday by 2:00 pm. Maritz bank shops kept me going during that time and also got me hooked up with other gas shops. I love Maritz.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
Wasn't planning on posting, but when I read this, I felt I had to. I find that Maritz is one of the easiest companies to work with. I agree, their pay is low, but often they will give a bonus. I just tell them as sweetly as I can that the distance is too far for the pay and wait for them to make an offer. For example, I am getting a $20 bonus on a shop I am doing for them tomorrow. While the bonus is not always that generous, I find they are fair.
I'm not sure where you get 48 photos, especially for a bank shop.

jimntx3 Wrote:
> This company is a scam. They advertise easy bank
> shops. What a joke. They expect you to spend
> hours uploading photo's as many as 48 photo's for
> $8.00 a shop. Are you kidding me. They will use
> you report and then refuse to pay. Don't be
> fooled by "EASY SHOPS"
The first shops you do with Maritz will be difficult because you have to learn the Maritz system to inputting shops.However after your first few shops it will be much easier and much less time consuming. I find this true with all mystery shop companies when you first start with them because each company has its own metod for shoppers to input shops.
I have been with Maritz for years. When a round of shops was released a few weeks ago I snapped up many of the ones in my area for a particular shop.

Had I known that it is now a 20-page survey, with 50 questions (plus the "ed" questions) with several "new" photos, I would not have touched them. Thankfully, two of the four left to do have no building attached so will take half the time.
Did anyone who works for Maritz get their check today? Mine usually comes like clockwork. But not today.

I have worked for them several yrs and never had problems. I agree sometimes there is more work added on and no more pay!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2011 04:04PM by mawmaw26.
Mine hit right on time. Might just be the mail...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
mawmaw26 Wrote:
> Did anyone who works for Maritz get their check
> today? Mine usually comes like clockwork. But not
> today.
> I have worked for them several yrs and never had
> problems. I agree sometimes there is more work
> added on and no more pay!

Did the receipt get processed before their cut off date?
I don't know. I don't when the cutoff days are. I invoiced them on the August 23. I have done some shops every week, but thought I would just get these from Aug.
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