One example of why IPSOS communication is so frustrating

So, I get an email from Ipsos asking for shoppers to self assign late-period gas station shops, at a bonused $40 fee. I open the job board and find that the shops are listed there, but at a $20-23 fee range. I am interested, but the shops require travel, and the $40 fee offered would make these worthwhile (about 10 of them, a big route). I send IPSOS an email, requesting the already offered $40 rate, and asking them to either assign me or to agree to correct the fee, if I self-assign. I politely ask for a response. No response. Crickets. I email them again. No response. Crickets. Another two days go by. I email them again. (All of these emails were professional and polite!). No response. The shops are still on the board. Aaaarghhh!!! They simply do not give a rat's ass how frustrating and incovenient it is to work with them! Doesn't common courtesy and some sense of business professionalism call for a reply (at least)?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2024 08:35PM by salisburync.

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Concerning Ipsos, Salis opines--They simply do not give a rat's ass how frustrating and inconvenient it is to work with them!

Bob agrees.

Salis rhetorically inquires--Doesn't common courtesy and some sense of business professionalism call for a reply (at least)?

Bob replies--Yes, but it is common knowledge in the shopping community that Ipsos is usually non-communicative.
One? Just one example? C'mon, now, you can do better than that! JK. I feel your pain - seeing the shops, wanting the shops at the offered rate, and no way to get them. They're all in their offices right now laughing their asses off. Pretty sure.
The best part is they will get around to responding in a week, after someone actually fixes the rate on the board, and will tell you these are self-assign and that you don't need to email them to ask to be assigned!
@Cassiespark wrote:

The best part is they will get around to responding in a week, after someone actually fixes the rate on the board, and will tell you these are self-assign and that you don't need to email them to ask to be assigned!

Or in the flip side they may never reply
I’m pretty fed up with IPSOS. Quit the stupid useless newsletter full of self promotion and put those employees on something useful, like actually responding to shoppers already!!!

Or, heck this is probably crazy talk, hire a QA person or two who can do the not-so-complicated task of comparing Shopper Guidelines to the Survey to the Editor Guidelines to make sure they - GASP! - match. They'd have a whole lot less messages to respond to if they wouldn't continually skip this skip.

Carey Medina was on here earlier today, maybe she'll see this and be inspired.

@ceasesmith wrote:

I’m pretty fed up with IPSOS. Quit the stupid useless newsletter full of self promotion and put those employees on something useful, like actually responding to shoppers already!!!
I agree, Cassie....A lot of us are very frustrated with Ipsos and their obvious intent to reduce fees at every turn... Prestoshop listings, Bonuses are smaller, Standard fees are smaller, Reimbursements are often ridiculously small, and their poorly writen guidelines, as interpreted by hired gun editors, leave us in a void and unpaid. Shopper Bob has done what we should all do, and I am joining Bob in electing to avoid Ipsos.
The only two people on the entire IPSOS team that have the decency to communicate are also quite helpful: Karen Holland (scheduler) and Kathy Grossi (editor). Only two. A multi-billion euro company.
As a disclaimer, my experience has been different and not as vast with this MSC, where I needed to contact someone often. But on a positive note, I do remember Bill Carden being quick to respond or forwarding me onto the right person!
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