I was paid 01/02 for two shops completed 11/01 and 11/15. Each was a combination category 2 & 3, as I was driving by both and desiring lunch. My pay was $8 + $12, which considering neither required drive time or expense and both lunches were tasty, was definitely acceptable to me.
Folks, I suggested in another thread, to sit down and attempt to create a shopping plan that works for you. If, though, you fail, leave the business in the dust as you move on down the line.
A final point: It did not, in the least, bother me that I was paid 48 & 63 days after I submitted the reports. My reason is that these job were not completed for cash AND I did not have a cent of outlay. I needed to eat and merely turned right into one lot and left into the other as I traveled to suppliers for my store. That is my point; I worked my plan. The old adage goes, "Plan your work, then work your plan."