Any Payout Issues w/Conf3r0?

I’m not shopping for them anymore now. I don’t recall ever having to wait 2 months for payment. So I’m guessing my December nightmare of a shop will get paid in February? Hard pass.
Thanks for starting the thread. I appreciate it.

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I supposedly got paid on January 17 for November but PayPal has not sent me my payment yet..
I was paid on 1/22 for a shop I did on 11/29, so yes, nearly 2 months. But it was paid without asking or contacting them. It seems to be the same as some other MSCs that take a long time to pay. I certainly don't do as much with them as I did many years ago when payment was prompt and they had more enticing shops in my area.

And to add, now that I've done a sub shop for each of the two companies that are currently offering them, the other one, surprisingly, was much less time consuming report-wise. Plus, I didn't have to get the sandwich in a way that I did not want and have to pick off the onions. However, this company paid me $24 plus the sammie expense. I'd still prefer the easier report and yummy sammie and faster payment (reimbursement)

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Still no payment from Confero. I spend $10 on groceries for every shop I work. That mounts up fast. No more
Just received mine. They are still paying me for 2024, and we are already into Feb 2025. I have a lot of money invested into this company. They should give me stock with all this money

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
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