RBG Convenience Store Shops

These usually fly off the board. It's now the 25th of the month with 13 locations remaining and a new bonus.

Just curious if you are seeing similar? shops that used to be swooped up quickly and are now just sitting?

My interest is how the MSCs run their businesses.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2024 09:37PM by BarefootBliss.

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In my area, I haven't seen RBG post c-store or grocery shops. Mostly restaurants and retail.
What Okie said. Restaurants and financial stuff in these here parts.

I miss the days of their monthly thrift store compliance audits. They were one of my larger vendors back then.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I find RBG easy to work with but I'm another person who never sees convenience stores in my area - always pizza or other restaurant shops.
@BarefootBliss wrote:

What were the thrift store audits about?

Safety compliance, with a small mystery shop up front.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
Those convenience store shops have been ongoing for a couple of years and there has never been a month that I haven't gotten nonstop emails all month, with eventual bonuses. The stragglers are too remote, that's all, and the few people that do them know the bonuses are coming every month. The ones near cities go as soon as they are posted.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2024 04:44PM by bradkcrew.
Yes, daily emails....I simply noted that this month is different from the past months.
Usually, by the 25th, they're down to merely a few remaining - outliers as you mentioned.

Not this month. There were 13 open this morning.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2024 09:38PM by BarefootBliss.
@BarefootBliss wrote:

Brad, do you think that most of the shoppers around here also have full time jobs?

I don't have any idea. It is really hard to see any patterns, and it surprises me the jobs that get snatched up vs. the ones that languish.
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