I am so glad to hear of the valet tip increase! I have done over 100 valet shops for Coyle in the last three years, and that $2 tip was so annoying at these luxury hotels. My husband even occasionally would give the valet attendant $5 if he was very good and my husband would just pay for the overage, because he thought it was so disrespectful to give a fantastic valet attendant only $2.
Also, @Okie, I have had the SAME experience where "lately, a good number of the valet shops in my area have been going off the board quickly after getting posted." Each month, my area usually has 20-30 valet shops, and since 2021, they have always been on the board throughout the month, slowly getting taken. I could almost always still find some available by mid-month. But for the last three months or so, the valet shops are all gone by the beginning of that month. At first, I thought that maybe they lost the client. But then I saw them show up again but only briefly on the board. I wonder if maybe Coyle got some new shoppers in my area that like doing valet shops or something. Even though they post for only $20, I have always been able to bid $30-35 and get them assigned, and it can be a pretty awesome deal if I need parking in the downtown area anyway (I often combine them with a restaurant shop for another company). So now I have to be sure to plan more in advance if I want them. Last night, I went downtown for dinner and a show and I had forgotten to get the valet parking at the beginning of the month, so we had to pay for a parking garage for the first time in years.