companies that pay more than $8.00

It's simple do they exist? I keep finding Harris Teeter over and over please give me hope.

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I give you hope, there are many companies that pay more than 8.00. I work for basically 15.00 per job and up, with 10 or 12.00 for jobs in my area. Register with more, they are out there.

Live consciously....
Definitely you need to sign up with more companies. There are some that pay low fees and the jobs are easy to get because your fellow shoppers walk away from them. On the other hand, the HT jobs used to be reasonable when you took into account the reimbursements. The chain does not exist in my market, but I do a different grocery store that pays $7 but is worth at least $15 to me (even aside from the required purchases) because of the reimbursement.
I love HT shops, but would tire of them if that's all I saw or shopped. The $7 and $15 grocery stores aren't in my area. We are all at the mercy of geography and contracts between MSP and company. There are many, many other MSPs and types of shops. A list of MSPs on this forum is under Mystery Shopping Company Discussion. The more you sign with, the more shops will be available to you.
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