Wordsmith Pros / Intellishop issue

My friend had an issue where they got an 8/10 on a recent job for "needing to contact you" by the wordsmith pros editor. The problem is, they were not contacted and did not need to revise the shop. My friend tried responding to the editor's email twice and it bounced back two times. They also tried writing to the scheduler and so far, no response.

I get that an 8/10 isn't really that big of a deal. It's frustrating though when your ability to get work is based on your rating. It's also frustrating when you try to contact someone for help and can't get anywhere.

My friend's average rating is 10 so I advised not to worry but it's still pretty darn frustrating.

Something kind of similar had happened to my friend a few months ago and it nearly cost them a $100 job. It feels like one should be able to reach an editor when there's an error.

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I have always been able to reach an editor however that is when they ask me to change something rather than to ask about my score. I do find tho that on jobs I do regularly and get a 10 and no questions asked almost every time, once in a while I get an editor who tells me I need to make changes and warns me to never do again the same exact thing every other editor for that same job seems to love.
Those editors give me an 8!
@sandyf wrote:

I have always been able to reach an editor however that is when they ask me to change something rather than to ask about my score. I do find tho that on jobs I do regularly and get a 10 and no questions asked almost every time, once in a while I get an editor who tells me I need to make changes and warns me to never do again the same exact thing every other editor for that same job seems to love.
Those editors give me an 8!

The strange thing is that they did not ask for a change and then dinged for that reason. My friend also wrote to the scheduler who did not respond. I wasn't too surprised about that because I have also found that scheduler to be unresponsive.

My friend wrote to a generic email address for wordsmiths and that also bounced back so who knows. At least it wasn't something gigantic. It still doesn't seem right that you cann't get a hold of someone.
SecondToNone sent one of my grocery pickup reports back yesterday because they said the picture was too small and missing information. I did the receipt jpg the same way I always do. Who knows. I'm sure they'll deduct a star.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2024 07:40PM by drdoggie00.
@drdoggie00 wrote:

SecondToNone sent one of my grocery pickup reports back yesterday because they said the picture was too small
I encountered this with Presto. I learned not to crop the image.
I had someone (can't remember who) send back a report because I blocked my personal information off the receipt. I replied back, "I do over 500 shops per year and this is the first time anyone has ever had an issue." I never heard back.
Have your friend forward the email they sent to the non-responsive editor to
teamtopgun@intelli-shop.com. That goes to a group of people, and one of them will respond.
Normally someone complaining about a score I would absolutely demolish - but I won't in this case. I'm 90% on the side of you and your friend. The only thing I would say against all of this is, do you want to worry these folks over one score, even if erroneously received? It could impact jobs, yes, but I doubt one 8/10 would have any impact.

Definitely follow @Cassiespark's advice and e-mail that group e-mail address. Even though I'm only 90% with you on it, if it were me, I would likely e-mail them, too - only because it is Intellishop and they are good people. I'm sure they would be happy to help, especially when you set the tone that you don't want a wrong score to impact getting future jobs.

My guess is that the editor was working on multiple reports at once, and simply got mixed up as to which report they had sent back.

Let us know what happens.

You can throw it all away. When things break, things shatter. Keep it written on your face, the little details matter.
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