Jack Network

Ever since they started scheduling with Acculocity, it's no longer as user-friendly as before. Schedulers don't return email, shop requests kept being denied although I had not shopped at the location before....anyone having similar exp?

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Yes, when I first started working for them, a few years ago, there was one scheduler who was AMAZING and helpful and it was so easy to schedule shops. But more recently, they are less responsive and helpful. Also, I found out that one reason shops get denied so often is that the calendar shows dates that are actually NOT available. After applying and being denied for shops on a few occasions, even when the shop was on the board, I finally emailed a scheduler to ask what was going on and was told that the date that I had requested was already taken, even though it LOOKED to be available on the board still.
My experience has actually been opposite. I followed a client to this MSC, but it's no longer being shopped. So far, the schedulers get back to me when I have questions. There's been times where adjustments needed to be made to the scenario, and the editor worked to update the report to a different scenario. But some of the shops are competitive.
I do a couple of shops a month for them. I usually send an email through SASSIE. I have never waited more than 12 hours for a response. I got a response super early the last time I had a question. I got up at 5:30 AM, and I had a reply that was hours old already. I think that it was Nola who replied?

Oh sorry. I do a couple of shops through Aculocity, not Jack Network, which I have never heard of.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2024 02:57AM by BayShopper22.
My experiences with them have still be quite good. Most of the schedulers know me though, so maybe that helps.
Well, I have done over 100 shops for them in the last two years, and I have a shopper rating of 10, so I assume the schedulers know me too. I will note that I DO get shops scheduled within hours, sometimes. I have no problem with getting quick scheduling most of the time. So that is nice.

But as I noted before, there have been times when the shop gets denied even though it is still on the board, without any explanation, and I have come to find out it is because that date is not actually available. That is a pet peeve of mine, when dates show availability even when they are not.

And then their responses to my emails are slower than I would prefer. It's not terrible, but it is such a big difference compared to the scheduler they had when I started. She was so friendly and responsive.

So, overall, yes, Jack Network is still an MSC that I like to work with a lot. But to @dfwfairy's point, I did notice a difference when Acculocity took over.
The name sounded familiar, so I popped in and found I do have an account.

Job Search indicated a whopping 2 jobs available within a 999-mile radius, both at a golf shop the next state down from me.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
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