GfK Mystery Shopping

Ran across some shops in my area for GfK MS that wanted a drug test and background check paid upfront by the shopper, with a promise of reimbursement after 2 shops.

Feedback? Anybody go through this for GfK and have any tidbits?

MSPA Silver Certified
Shopping the Dallas/Fort Worth area

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Yup. Done that and got the Tee Shirt. They expect too much for what you get. I.M.H.O....:p

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
This shop is a total, 110% PITA. Plus they underplay the part where the shop pays $20 LESS than it used to.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
And $40 less than they were originally priced for. Between their initial sign up and initial execution they dropped $20. Really too bad because if I understand correctly, they underpriced the merchandising company that did them before by paying shoppers less even at their initial signup. At one time this was a company that I LOVED working with. I haven't done a job for them since the sandwich shops of 2009.
Thanks all for your info! I will definitely keep all this input in mind when I see their postings!

MSPA Silver Certified
Shopping the Dallas/Fort Worth area
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